Workin it

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Y/n slowly wakes up once more, only this time he doesn't have to teach today, because today is Saturday, meaning  if he really wanted to he can stay in bed for another hour, maybe two! He reached over to the other side of the bed...only to find no one there once again.

Y/n frowned as he wondered what could have pulled rogue away so early once again, but he it tool only one look around his room to see, to see that rogue was indeed in the room, in the middle of putting on a  bra,  he smiled and just kept watching.

Sensing the eyes on her rogue smirked. " little pervert." She said as she clipped her bra and floated over to him, laying a kiss on his lips as she laid on him.

Y/n chuckled as he rubbed her right buttcheek. " for you? Always bae."  Placing a kiss on her head.

Rogue rolled her eyes playfully at her dirty minded boyfriend and layed her chin  on his chest tracing his chest with her hand. "What you plan on doing today suguh?"

"Hmm... gotta swing by the danger room, after that I don't know." Y/n answered honestly.

"Well, ah gotta help night crawler an' Bobby bring in some supplies,  meet up after?" Rogue asked  as her fingers walked up his chest,

Y/n smiled and nodded. " I can squeeze you in yeah..." he said and now placed both hands on her full butt. " mind staying in bed for a bit?"

Rogue pouted. " ah just showered hun." She wouldn't deny him but she knows she would be sweatier than a camel in the Sahara after a session with her man, and there would probably be a second session in the shower  which meant more time needed to get cleaned up.

Y/n chuckled. " don't gotta shower for a little lip session right?" He said as he was more than willing to wait for a better time, he just wanted to spend more time with her.

Rogue smiled and placed her hands on his cheeks, rubbing them tenderly with her thumbs. " c'mere~" their lips connected, no urgency, no aggression, just savoring each other, y/n then detached suddenly. " your turn for breakfast by the way." Y/n reminded her , rogue rolled her eyes then flicked his forehead. " ow!" 

"Boi  lips now breakfast later." Rogue said pulling his face back to hers.


After their little make out session, y/n soon freshened up and threw some clothes on and kissed rogue as they went off to handle their respective activities , and it was Saturday, which meant he had two days to really dress how he always liked, casually.

After their little make out session, y/n soon freshened up and threw some clothes on and kissed rogue as they went off to handle their respective activities , and it was Saturday, which meant he had two days to really dress how he always liked, ca...

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|Author Note: for those who prefer a visual this is his canon look to me  but  again  visualize this y/n how you wish :)  |

Y/n walked through the halls of the mansion and heading for the elevator, when suddenly he was stopped in his tracks.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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