How its been

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7 years later

Y/n eyes slowly opened , putting up a hand to bock to sun and allow his eyes to adjust, when they did he then looked over to the empty side of his bed, rubbing the area a bit with his hand a bit.

"Bummer..." y/n spoke,  a bit sad as he would have liked to cuddle before they started the day.

Y/n then hopped out of bed, and began stretching a bit, he then grabbed a folded towel and took a good shower making sure not to enjoy it too long and be late. He then got out and put on a long sleve shirt to hide his right tattoo sleeve, some simple joggers and  kung fu shoes, some simple clothing given his position at the mansion.

 He then got out and put on a long sleve shirt to hide his right tattoo sleeve, some simple joggers and  kung fu shoes, some simple clothing given his position at the mansion

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"Inhale....Exhale... another day, another class to teach." Y/n said walking out with a one strap backpack.

Him....a teacher, if someone would have told him this where he would be when he was a kid he would have laughed, and he thought becoming a full fledged member happened fast.


Y/n was out on his 5th  as a trainee with the
X-Men, and things had been going smoothly, cyclops got on my case a lot but i never did anything that would put my teammates in danger or jeopardize the mission, this mission however was playing out a bit differently than i was getting used to.

"What?!" Y/n asked in shock.

"We need you to stay here and guard the ship." Cyclops repeated.

" The Ship has built in defense mechanisms, why would i need to Guard it?!" Y/n asked in confusion, this was akin to benching him.

"They aren't perfect and theres nothing stopping the friends of humanity from bypassing them with the tech they've gotten their hands on." Jean explained wishing to reason

"And considered it punishment for diving head long into that group of sentinels." Wolverine spoke

"Oh Cmon we won and nobody got hurt" Y/n said in frustration.

"But you could've been, that was foolish and reckless." Storm firmly scolded.

Y/n  just crossed his arms and looked away, he'd grown to see storm like an older sister, same with jean so getting scolded by her never felt good.

"Gaurd the ship , and if anything happens you contact us." Cyclops motioning to y/ns ear piece. " understood?"

Y/n just sighed and shook his head. " yeah yeah..."

"Good,  X-Men, Move out."  Cyclops said firmly as they began heading towards their objective.

"About time." Wolverine said spoke as he walked.

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