Friendship Headcanons⁉️

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Headcanons because I'm bored and why the hell not. Also I came up with like. 90% of these headcanons at 2 in the morning or sm shi, so sorry if they're a little weird 😋

• Robin and Ash have this 'friendly' rivalry. Like, they're both always coming for each other's throats, but they still love each other /p 🫶

• Phoenix and Misty formed a bond through the same experiences of losing their brothers. Sometimes they just sit down and talk about their brothers to each other.

• While most of the gang considers Blake some 'second father' to them, Brook eventually starts seeing him as an older brother figure, because of how his brother practically raised him instead of his dad.

• Dawn always has everything anyone needs on her, the gang have given up asking where she even gets some of the stuff and just accepts it.

• Ash's crush on Brook is really obvious, Brook's just oblivious. Phoenix likes to take advantage of this and tease Ash about his crush on 'someone' right infront of Brook, which usually ends in Ash hitting her on the head, but it's totally worth it. (Platonic Ash & Phoenix r taking over my brain 🫶💯)

• Dawn, Robin and Misty love to bake together,, even though ends with them covered in flour because of them throwing it at eachother.

• Misty and Ash like randomly picking Brook up and carrying him around for a while. Ash just slings him over his shoulder like he's a sack of potatoes (like how he did in that one bit of the Stay MV), while Misty does the classic bridal carry.
Small bonus: Brook, understandably, prefers it when Misty does it, but has ultimately given up on trying to get Ash to carry him normally.

• Blake and Phoenix have pretty similar music tastes. Catch them chilling in a room in an oddly comfortable silence while they listen to a shared spotify playlist.

• Robin happens to be really good at doing hair. Pretty much everyone from the gang (apart from Ash, since his hairs pretty short, so. Not a lot to do with it) has asked her to help them with their hair at least once before.

• Surprisingly, Phoenix always gets people the best birthday gifts, maybe it's something to do with her being hella rich for being the Fire Holder,, but she doesn't even bother with Christmas gifts. The other's would say something about it, but the birthday gifts always manage to make up for the Christmas gifts.

Exams are this week but this is what I'm doing instead of studying. Procrastination is crazy⁉️ Might make a few comic things inspired by some of these, after exams, if I feel like it

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