Wowow Headcanons

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Haha hai. I got selected to go on some Maths trip thing because I'm smart as shit (/hj) and its sososo boring, so here. Have some headcanons

Blake and Ash are both coffee addicts, but they have very different ways they like their coffee. Blake, despite what he looks like he'd drink, would order the sweetest coffee you could get, while Ash, on the other hand, is the absolute opposite, ordering the darkest, strongest, most bitter coffee known to man (B4 anyone disagrees, Ash literally works 2 part time jobs, the man needs his coffee strong).

• Robin and Dawn go horse riding together every so often and spill gossip about people from their schools, or just chat about whatever comes to mind.

• Misty and Phoenix pretty much don't give a second thought to the fact that doing dangerous stuff can get you killed. They both just take risks without giving a second thought to it, giving the rest of the gang heart attacks basically every day

• Brook's bi awkakening was probably Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase (from the PJO book series. Or js the series) It literally fits so well with him like. Holy crap

• Ash and Phoenix wear tank tops religiously. Especially when they're at home, you'd never catch them wear any other shirts while they're home.

• The gang often get into heated debates about very small topics, like cats vs dogs, apple juice vs orange juice, and all that crap. More often than not does it end in a physical fight.

• Blake and Dawn love buying boba together and walking around a park on their dates. Most of the time, their dates usually end with them sat on a bench and watching the sunset together

• Ash loves using cheesy (or cute, depends how you see it) nicknames on Brook, calling him things like bluebell or water lily, and other cheesier stuff just to mess with him. He'll call Brook anything but his actual name.

• Phoenix and Robin can never decide where they want to go for dates, both always saying that they want the other to decide, since they don't really care what they do as long as it's with each other, so they just end up resorting to Rock, Paper, Scissors, the loser deciding what they do.

• Blake and Dawn love cuddling and watching movies together, even despite the fact Blake usually hates physical touch.

• Brook and Ash have most definitely spiderman kissed more than once (Ash was hanging upside down on a tree branch or something every time)

• Phoenix and Robin love flirting in front of the gang purely just to get the disgusted reactions out of them, they think it's hilarious

Yeahhhhh that's all. Honestly some of these headcanons are literally my favourite ones like, ever. But back to doing maths now. Yippie 💔

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