New order

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Hello there boys and girls I hope that all of you are having a good day today and that all of you are exited to read the next chapter of my Kakegurui compulsive gambler story as much as I am enjoying writing it for you guys and girls. Now for my question of the day and that is what do you think y/n has planned for not just the school since with now being the new head of the student council he is now also the head of the hundred devouring family's. In this chapter we will see how he acts but with that all said and done lets get on with the story shall we.


Sitting in the student council president seat I found it a little bit comfy but that is the only thing that I am finding myself liking about this as I am a king with no subjects and a empty treasury and now I will have to take an extreme action which will make me the most hated student council president in the whole schools history but I did not care about that right now, what I cared about was my power.

Ryuk:"so why do you need to give a speech?"

Y/n:"I want to make the right impression to the whole academy, with me in such a position they need to know that I will be a much diffrent leader than the previous president."

I looked at the time and saw we still had some minutes before the cameras were to start so I turned my head and looked over to Kuroo.

Y/n:"speaking of which have you told your club what will be expected of them?"

He nodded but kept his eyes closed as he did so making me wonder if he was reluctant to do so or was he not telling me something.

Kuroo:"yeah, they seemed a little bit taken aback by what you want. AHH, sorry I know they will do what you want, no need to worry."

I nodded but decided that I will help him later.

Y/n:"don't worry, how about after this meeting I will come to the club room and your club can have an informal meeting with me, do you think that will be a good idea?"

Kuroo, nodded but seemed to be a bit confused by this, did he not expect me to say this?

I then turned around to look at Ryuk, who now is the new secretary of the student council, a position he seemed a bit annoyed by.

Y/n:"so, have you made sure that all of the plans are ready like I told you?"

He nodded as he continued to stroke my cat which had decided that Ryuk lap as its new place to take a nap.


I then looked back at the camera at the clock behind the camera and the crew manning it showed that we had a minute left till we went live to the whole school and I made sure to look as professional as possible and as I am watching the seconds go down on the clock I had to stop myself from smirking like the Cheshire cat and then the cameras began to run.

Y/n:"hello there members of the academy, my name is Y/n Devibami your new student council president, I hope that all of you have come down from all of the highs and stress of this election. Most of you might not know who I am as I transferred here earlier this year but I do hope that we can get to know each other better through the year. Now for my first message I will get the bad news out of the way first, there was a theft of the council fund, from what I have seen they were used to by vote chips, I am not a cruel man you can keep your money if you did sell your chip or chips but we need to get the funds back so there will be a mandatory donations to be handed in. The bottom twenty percent of student donations will become house pets."

I then paused for a moment so that the students could take in what I had said as well as give myself some time to breath after saying that.

Y/n:"Now I know for most of you this will be seen as a big slap in the face but I believe that we are all a family, we either float together or we sink together, so think of this as what is for the greater good."

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