So I'm Isekai'd with, That Guy

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'Who the hell are these guys? What did they do to me?' Ryan thought to himself while he tried to stand up but couldn't for some reason. The robed figures started chanting and making strange hand gestures that made Ryan feel a wave of energy flowing through his veins.

That's when one of the robed figures pulled down their hood to reveal silky platinum hair, a black circlet with a jade green gem in the middle, vibrant violet eyes, brown tan skin, a beautiful attractive face, and long pointy ears.

'Is that a Dark Elf? Great! And this confirms it, I've been isekai'd!... Wait? Aren't Dark Elves usually evil? Did I get summoned by evil creatures? What does that say about me?!' Ryan thought as he tried to keep his calm. 'I need to assess the situation and figure a way out. Otherwise, I'm in it deep.' Ryan thought as he felt another bad omen coming upon him.

The Main Dark Elf held up her finger in front of Ryan's neck then the rest followed like they were pointing him out of a crowd. When the elf started chanting some words in a language that he didn't understand, Ryan noticed what they were pointing at. It was the orb that was chasing him earlier had shrunk down to the size of a golf ball and attached itself to his neck while forming a choker collar necklace. The collar had some dark metal with elegant swooping designs running around it.

'Wait! What the hell? Where did that come from?' Ryan panicked as he looked around in the cave trying to see if he could find a way to stop this but he came up empty. Ryan started feeling that same electricity sensation again when he was pulled through the portal.

'Dammit, this is getting annoying!' Ryan thought to himself. He was starting to get pissed off that someone was messing with his body. He was starting to feel drained from whatever the Dark Elves were doing to him.

"Hey! Stop!" Ryan yelled out loud as he tried to fight back against the Dark Elf that was manipulating the energy within him. "What the fuck are you doing to me?!" As his voice echoed throughout the cave and it sounded like thunder rolling across the mountains.

He was hoping that they would stop once he yelled at them. But that wasn't the case, as the main Dark Elf continued chanting and making hand gestures for their ritual while other robed figures moved in closer and started chanting as well.

Ryan noticed the main Dark Elf, who he thinks is a Priestess, was staring at him with a disappointed look in her eyes. As in she was hoping for some other result other than Ryan. 'She's pissed? That makes no sense why she was disappointed in me. I have no clue why that would be?'

Then the other Dark elves started chanting and making hand gestures with the Priestess, making Ryan feel like he was getting closer and closer to passing out from exhaustion. After what seemed like hours, but in actuality, it was minutes, the ritual finally came to its conclusion and Ryan passed out from the stress and exhaustion.

As he was just about to succumb to slumber, he heard the Dark Priestess say, "Put him w– –e other and no— if any changes–."


Ryan woke up, he was all cleaned up from all the filth that he had accumulated from the day prior and stripped with only some type of boxer underwear.

Next, he looked around his new surroundings and he was in a strange room with glowing runes on the floor. In front of him was a table with writing on the side of it. The writing looked like Chinese or Japanese, but he couldn't make out what it was saying. Next to him was a door, but something was blocking it from opening.

That's when Ryan heard someone behind him say, "Hey! So, you're finally awake!" Ryan turns to look to see an Asian guy across the other side of the room on the far wall.

Ryan noticed this guy who looked like he was in his early 20s maybe and was dressed similarly to him with the same style of underwear and the elegant orb necklace but with a red glow, as Ryan's had a yellow or goldish glow to it for some reason.

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