Chapter Six: Safety First

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I look over my shoulder noticing that she is pacing back and forth holding herself for comfort

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I look over my shoulder noticing that she is pacing back and forth holding herself for comfort. She probably has that feeling she hasn't experienced in a while, which was endangerment-- possibly fear.

I suppose she hasn't gotten use to that sort of feeling. Which is a good thing.

(Leon)- "Hey, you all right?" I pulled her out of her head and she turns to look in my direction. 

(Y/n)- "...Yeah." She mumbles. I know she's lying. I think I should go talk to her, I take one step but halt as soon as Chris calls out my name.

(Chris)- "Leon, come check this out." I change my path and head over to him instead. I stand beside him hunched over Rebecca's laptop screen. On display was information about three viruses:  A latent and Trigger Virus, lastly is a Vaccine. Its beginning to make sense now. 

(Leon)- "Bring up the map again." Chris taps on the touchpad and the map appears on screen. Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York were colored in red with Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin having arrows that were already having outbreaks. It's spreading fast like Chris said. 

(Y/n)- "She must have thought these outbreaks were related. See how they're all concentrated around the Great Lakes?" She includes herself looking at the map pointing it out to us. Chris and I both turn our heads in her direction. My eyes follow her as she walks closer towards the laptop standing between the both of us giving her input, Rebecca must've shared information to her to give to us. I straighten out my back as she points all across the map speaking as she does but I was focused on her. 

When did she become so involved in our world? 

She's supposed to be back home where she's supposed to live her life like a normal person should, She shouldn't be here. What was the point of me letting her go if she's going to get roped back in? 

It slightly irritates me.

I shouldn't pay any attention to my personal feelings right now, I lean in closer to focus on the conversation. 

(Leon)- "If what she said is true, and this thing can lay dormant inside people, God knows how many are infected."

(Y/n)- "If the trigger's airborne, it's harder to control where it goes or who gets it." She eyes Chris to her right and then me on her left. 

(Chris)- "So then Arias has to be using some type of vaccine."

(Leon)- "Uh-huh. That's how he controls the spread of an outbreak. He vaccinates anyone he doesn't want infected first. Which makes for a more accurate weapon. See?" I point towards the screen to show them. 

(Leon)- "Arias is planning something big. Patricio knew way too much about it. And that's why he was killed." I lean back taking out Patricio's phone from my jacket pocket. His blood dried on the outer shell, I turn it side ways to eject an SD card. 

(Chris)- "He's gonna use the trigger virus on New York?" 

(Y/n)- "That's what it looks like."

(Chris)- "He's out of his mind."

(Leon)- "If the outbreak is deemed uncontrollable, "tanks labeled with a green A" contain the vaccine and are ready to deploy. Location classified." I read aloud displayed on screen.

(Chris)-"All we have to do is find that stuff, and we can change everyone back."

(Leon)- "Like flipping a safety switch. But if you were Arias, where would you keep it?"

(Chris)- "Someplace he can get to fast. Someplace secure."

(Leon)- "His hideout in New York." The three of us look towards one another like we solved this case.

(Chris)- "And I bet we'll find Rebecca there too. Alright, lets get this thing in the air. D.C!" He calls out to one of his squad members walking over to the cockpit of the aircraft.

(D.C)- "On it!" he begins to flip switches hearing the engine coming to life. (Y/n) falls back heading to the row of seats against the walls of the plane. I follow behind her sitting in the seat next to hers, I saw a glimpse of her facial expression. She wasn't expecting me to be this close. I shouldn't be getting close to her but I cant help myself. 

(Leon)- "You should put the seat belt on." I say as I lean back in my seat extending my legs crossing my ankles. She turns her stare towards me not doing what I had asked, she's going to be stubborn and not listen to what I say, is she? I uncross my ankles and lean up reaching over to both sides to connect the belt. Once it clicks I lean back in my seat in my comfortable position.

(Y/n)- "Aren't you going to put your seat belt on?" She repeats my exact words with attitude along with a scoff and grin.

(Leon)- "Heh." I let out a chuckle. I wasn't going to do as she says. She raises a quick brow and a shrug, she releases free from the belt setting it back to her sides. She looks back with a smirk of her own.

(Leon)- "Of course you would." Does she do this on purpose just to test me? I secretly smile as she looks away. Chris walks back taking his across from us, he straps in resting his elbows on his knees.

(Chris)-"You two should strap in, could get bump on the way." (Y/n) grabs onto the belt and buckles herself in, a little part of me didn't like that she listened.

I shake my head side to side grinning, Why am I feeling jealous all of a sudden? Chris checks up on the condition of his weapon making sure it's up to his standards. I took this time while he was distracted to lean in closer towards her.

(Leon)-"You listen to him but not me?" She exhales a shaky breath. She turns her head slightly giving me view of her. She doesn't say anything but her eyes are challenging me. 

(Y/n)-"I want to talk to you." 

(Leon)-"We are talking." That seemed to annoy her. 

(Y/n)-"Were you ever going to come back?" My grin slowly fades. 

When Hunnigan told me about her being in a relationship that made it official for me not to return. I planned on never seeing her again, but Chris had to bring back up and she happened to tag along. 

All this is fucking complicated. 

(Leon)-"We'll talk once all this is over." 

CHEMICAL (RE: V Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Leon POV] [Book#3]Where stories live. Discover now