Chapter 2 - A Matter of Privacy

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[The Voice]


Zirana's voice carried throughout the throne room. Unlike the previous scene, this time she was calm as could be. I could only guess, but it was probably because we expected this outcome. Perhaps also a little bit was also a result of her no longer seeing me as a threat. Ironically, between myself, her, and everyone else in this world, she was the least worried, against all our advice.

Standing before us was a High Diviner. Diviner's, as I learned them to be called in this world, were different from priests. They looked a lot like them, but religion wasn't really tied to their jobs and roles. They were simple spellcasters that specialized in Divine Aura and mostly concentrated on exorcisms.

His name was Raza, a man of older years yet youthful looks. The kind of old man that could outrun the healthiest people over a decade younger than him, it looked like. The four from before were here as well. It was a very similar sequence, starting with the High Diviner attempting an exorcism spell on his own. One that was clearly stronger than all the ones from before. After that failed, he would then direct the Diviners in aiding his higher level exorcism spells. We had just finished testing his strongest exorcism spell. The strongest exorcism spell that humans knew. It too had failed.

The four Diviners around were clearly exhausted, their skin pale.

Are they okay? They look pretty sick.

Ah, do not worry. Zirana immediately responded mentally. The skin grows pale because so much aura has been used that even the natural amount they stored in their own bodies was used up, but ultimately they're all just tired.

Ah. So like pushing yourself a little too hard when working out.

Yes, she chuckled, if that thought process helps clarify.

The High Diviner, however, looked completely fine. He showed no signs of fatigue and was steadily walking towards us. Though he held a pretty good poker-face, I found his look a bit concerning.

He seems a little unhappy.

Yes, well... The strongest exorcism spell has just failed. Combine that with the knowledge that the only possessions in our recorded history are demon possessions... I think you can see where his thoughts lie.

Indeed... Was all I could let out before he had reached us and kneeled.

"Your Highness, I am deeply sorry. Even our greatest in Divine magics have failed you." The princess merely shook her head with a gentle smile on her face.

"There is nothing to be sorry for. Please, stand." The princess spoke differently now then when we were alone in her study. She maintained a perfect composure and commanded respect with every word. While this public persona was clearly different from her normal self, it carried a hint of honesty with it. She was never lying or contradicting herself, it seemed to me, but her words felt calculated and careful, especially in comparison to the internal dialogues she kept with me. The kind of skill and ability her job required of her, I supposed. As Raza rose, she continued.

"You carried out your duties perfectly. All of you did. It cannot be helped that this situation is itself a special case, as it would seem."

"You are too kind, Your Highness. Regarding the 'special' circumstances as you refer to it, I fear the most likely truth to be quite terrible. You were quite the study, last a recall, so you may already know my fears."

"Yes, I do. With even our highest Divine magic proving ineffective, you would suggest that it is almost certainly a demon of strength beyond even that, correct?:
"Yes, Your Highness."

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