𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞

611 19 33

Severe Eggs and Pains


Y/N WASN'T OBILVIOUS TO say the least. Ever since Mk's elimination yesterday, Wayne hadn't spoken to the girl since they were at the cabin. When she tried to approach him after the ceremony had ended, he made a poor excuse and ran off while dragging Raj with him. She wasn't blindsided to him suddenly wanting to distance himself from her, she saw the look he gave her, yesterday.

And she couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt because of it. It's not like she was faking her feelings for him, no of course not. But was she being fake to most of the other competitors here, well...yes. But that's how you play the game, and in order to get far ahead...What was the saying again? Oh right, 'Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.' And that's what Y/n intended to do. Falling for someone was something that was never even meant to be in the plan in the first place.

But in a way, she was glad that it happened. Because the guy she fell for was someone who's sweet, attentive, and compassionate; she's always had a thing for someone if they made her laugh; and Wayne fits into that criteria perfectly, and she couldn't be happier. However, she's still in a competition. And she just can't risk losing the money she's working so hard to get over a guy...

Y/n sighs as she sums it up for Bowie, who listened intently to her words. The duo now sitting on the girl's bed as Y/n rants to her cousin about her situation, gossiping before Chris starts the challenge. "I just don't know what to do Bowie." She mutters out, "I like Wayne, a lot. But this competition is my last hope on winning that money! I don't wanna risk it all for some guy—"

"You gotta stop saying that" Bowie chimes in, having a slight stern tone. Y/n's brow raised in surprise, not used to him being serious, "Saying what?" She asks. Bowie sighs, "Saying that he's "some" guy." He answers, "You and I both know that he's not some guy you could easily move on from. I've seen the way you look at him and the way he looks at you. That's not "some" guy, Y/n. And it's clear that you fell for him, probably even harder than Wayne" Bowie chuckles.

Y/n's brow continued to raise, "Okay, I know I've had my moments with him, but love? Bowie you know that I'm not looking for--"

"But you found it." Bowie quickly interjects, pointing his finger at her, "You could deny all you want, but you can't lie and say that you two didn't have anything special, because you do. I've seen the way he looks at you and how much you mean to him already; the guy is hopelessly in love with you.  And I know you, Y/n. I've seen how you act around him, you're practically in love with the guy."

His eyes soften as he sees his cousin having a conflicted look on her face, he lets out a sigh, "Look, if money is what your worried about, we could always find other places to go." He encouraged. "But that's the thing," Y/n starts, "I'm tired of going to place after place and not winning that money! It's always because someone is a better performer than me. That's why I have to keep on improving and perfect it!" Y/n says determinedly, clenching her fist together as she collides it with the palm of her hand. Bowie's eyes soften at this, but before he could continue, a blaring sound then interrupts them, causing the duo to cover their ears.

"Challenge time! Oh! And bring your flags!" Chris laughs, "This will be interesting!" the host announced, practically hearing his grin from behind the speakers. Y/n glares at the window, "This better be worth it." She grumbles, a yawn escaping from her lips as she then walks off and grabs their flag. Bowie chuckles as he goes alongside her, "C'mon, let's get going,"

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