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CAROLINE GIGGLED DRUNKENLY AS BOTH HER AND MIA HELD EACH OTHER. Both looking like they drank too much to even walking properly, which was completely true. "Hey, where are the guys?" Caroline asked. Glancing around both girls took in account that Tyler and Mia's boyfriend were missing.

Mia dragged the blonde with her as she stumped her way to Matt and Elena hours before they'd later breakup. "Hey, do you guys know where Ty and my boyfriend are? We need a ride home." Matt couldn't even look in the girls eyes and Elena rubbed her arm as she felt uncomfortable. "I haven't seen him since you arrived together." Matt said, his blue eyes couldn't even look at the girl.

Elena glanced to the side trying to look for a way out. "Maybe ask Bonnie. I've been actually trying to talk to Matt....."

Mia looked at them suspiciously. She knew something was up with them since they were acting weirder then usual. "Are you guys okay? Is there something you wanna tell me?" She asked, confused.

Elena sighed "look Mia we are kinda busy so can you please go ask Bonnie, Vicki or anyone else please." Caroline scoffed to herself. "Cmon Mia. Elena's busy like always. Too busy for us..." Caroline whispered.

Mia shook her head before walking away to ask someone else. Only to run into Jeremy Gilbert. "Finally someone that doesn't give attitude! Jere do you know where Ty or my boyfriend is?" Mia asked. Jeremy couldn't even utter a word as the girl he has been crushing on since elementary school was talking to him. "U-uh no. No! I haven't seen him but I could help you find him."

Mia smiled at him in gratitude. "Thank you." Jeremy held Caroline to take some weight off of Mia since she looked like she was struggling.

As both Jeremy and Mia carry Caroline closer to the jocks they were met with Mia's boyfriend kissing a redhead and Tyler kissing Vicki. Mia felt her body freeze as she saw her boyfriend kissing someone. "Mia, Mia? Are you okay? Do you want me to call my parents for a ride your us?" Jeremy asked.

Mia gulped before shoving her feelings down. "Caroline getting home is my biggest concern right now. He isn't even worth it at least not anymore." Jeremy nodded his head before they both turned around with Mia leading them.

Both found Bonnie "Bon! Bonnie?!" Mia shouted. Grabbing the girl's attention as she walked up to them. "Hey, guys what's up?"

"Can you give us a ride? All of us?" Mia asked.

Bonnie nodded her head as she saw Jeremy glance behind them and back to Bonnie letting her know something was wrong. And she didn't need the details because all that mattered was Caroline and Mia needed her right now. "Of course."

That's when Bonnie led them to her car that was parked nearby. "Thank you, Bonnie." Jeremy whispered.


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Later on in the story there will be a flashback of Mia and Jeremy and the night they spent together or rather nights.

Also to clear up some air Elena and Matt only protected Mia's ex here because they didn't want to get involved.

Also I hope you guys like this snippet.

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