night of the comet

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JEREMY WATCHED AS MIA LAID SNUGGLED INTO HER BLANKET THAT LAID ON THE hospital bed that looked quite uncomfortable

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JEREMY WATCHED AS MIA LAID SNUGGLED INTO HER BLANKET THAT LAID ON THE hospital bed that looked quite uncomfortable. Walking up to the bed, reaching for her hand. "I've got you, and I'm not going anywhere...." Jeremy whispered softly.

He could hear slightly mumble something but it was inaudible.

Jeremy reached over and pulled the blanket more over her body before kissing her forehead. "I'm gonna make sure nothing ever hurts you again, I promise."

Jeremy walked towards Mia's room after leaving Vicki's

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Jeremy walked towards Mia's room after leaving Vicki's. He looked like he was on a mission. Walking in he didn't expect it to still look so empty, no parents or friends. Granted Caroline was busy at school right now. There were flowers with a card laying on a gigantic teddy bear. Which he suspected had to be Caroline's way of showing she cared.

"Mia? Mia are you awake?" He asked. The girl groggily woke up, her eyes squinting from the light. "Jeremy? What are you doing here?"

Jeremy smiled, his eyes going soft as he met the brown eyes of Mia Love. The girl that held his heart in a chokehold. "I was worried and granted I am the one who found you in the woods and carried you...." He shrugged.

Her eyebrows rose as she looked shocked "you found me? I-I saw you when I woke up momentarily but I thought I was just dreaming." Her eyes watered slightly "sorry. I don't know why I'm crying." The girl wiped her eyes.

Jeremy walked forward in concern "it's okay. You don't have to put up a front with me. What you went through was scary, you must've been so scared so it's okay to cry. I won't judge." He reached for her hand but hesitated. "Can I?" He asked. His eyes widened when she clasped their hands together.

"Thank you, Jeremy. You didn't have to bring me back but you did. You saved me...."

Jeremy sat down as Mia moved over a little bit "I was really worried about you. When I found your body unmoving I couldn't think straight, all I knew was I had to get you help. I would do anything to make sure you were safe and happy." Jeremy's voice cracked, his eyes not looking up at her as he was afraid to show his emotions.

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