lost girls

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JEREMY SIGHED AS MIA'S PHONE WENT TO VOICEMAIL AGAIN FOR THE HUNDREDTH TIME. Staring down at his phone with a frown rested on his face. He knew he screwed up when he acted cold towards her, but he was pissed.

His music blasted through his headphones as he kept sending her messages.

Hoping that she'd answer at least one of them.

Elena opened the door between their shared bathroom, looking at him with a frown. She thought to check on him to make sure Stefan didn't hurt him. Closing the door with furrowed eyebrows, as she went back to her room.

Elena's mind ran a mile a minute.

Jeremy ran up towards Mia's front door before preparing to knock

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Jeremy ran up towards Mia's front door before preparing to knock. Running his hands down his pants, before knocking on the door.

Instead of Mia answering the door it was her mother. "May I help you Gilbert?" Quinn asked. Her eyebrows raised and her eyes held judgment. His words froze on the tip of his tongue, as he was confused on why Mia's mother was here when she was hardly ever home.

"I needed to talk to Mia. Is she here?"

Quinn looked at him up and down before giving a false smile. "She's in her room." Moving aside as she let him in their home.

Jeremy smiled as he walked past her before going into the house. "Third room to the left." He walked towards Mia's room with his heart beating like a drum. There was soft music like a lullaby playing.

There's things I wanna say to you
But I'll just let you live

Jeremy knocked on her door with an uneasy look. "Mom, I'm really not in the mood...." Just hearing her voice gave him relief, but hearing how drained she sounded didn't help much. "It's not your mother."

Mia sighed before standing up. Going towards the door and pulling it open "what do you want?" Mia asked, irritated.

Jeremy frowned when he watched the way she glanced behind him. Most likely to make sure her mom wasn't listening in. "I want...I want to apologize for how I acted towards you. I was mad and I took my anger out on you and I'm really sorry."

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