family ties

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MIA STOOD OUTSIDE OF THE GILBERT HOUSEHOLD AFTER SHE GOT A TEXT FROM JEREMY. She pushed down her nerves and knocked on the door. "I'll get it!" Jeremy shouted as he ran down the stairs and towards the door with a smile.

"Well someone seems happy." Jenna and Elena glanced at each other with knowing looks.

Yanking the door open he was met with the girl that was finally letting him in. Mia Love, his Mia. "Hey, Jere. I got your text." Grabbing her hand, he pulled her inside the house before slamming the door shut behind them. Both making their way to the kitchen. "That stuff is mom and dads. You can't just give it away." Jeremy said.

"I'm not giving it away. It's called a loan, Jeremy." Elena sounded really annoyed. Mia just smiled and waved at both Elena and Jenna.

As the doorbell rang, Elena rushed to answer it.

Mia watched silently as Jeremy snatched the pocket watch when Jenna wasn't looking, as Elena was currently upstairs with her boyfriend. "What are you doing?" Mia whispered. The boy put a finger to his lips in a shushing gesture.

Jeremy and Mia sat in the boys bed in a comfortable silence before the girl broke it

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Jeremy and Mia sat in the boys bed in a comfortable silence before the girl broke it. "Are you going to the founders party?" Mia asked, curiously. Anyone and everyone knew the girl loved the town events more then anyone.

The boy shrugged "I don't think so. Seems pointless." He watched as her eyes dimmed in a way. "But after the party you can come here and we can hangout." The boy suggested.

The girl almost smiled "we'll see." She whispered.

Jeremy shifted closer to Mia "Mia, what are we?"
The girl wanted so badly to look away but she couldn't because as she felt him moving closer she couldn't help but want the heat that his body gave off. She wanted him as close as possible. "I don't know. I'm trying that's all I can say....."

Jeremy reached over and let his thumb glide over her bottom lip. He felt her breath against his skin and he couldn't help but stare at her lips before glancing up at her eyes, almost as if asking for permission silently. "We don't have to if you want to." Jeremy whispered. That was before he got shut up by a pair of lips, a smaller body pushing against his until his back hit the bed. The kiss wasn't something like in the movies no, it was rushed as if they've been holding themselves back which in a way they have.

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