The Past. The Present. The Future.

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The moon hung low in the inky sky, casting feeble rays of light that barely pierced the thick canopy of the forest. In the time since Amara had left the deceptive illusions behind, Veilstorm had grown still once again.

Little to no life made itself known to her scarce for the faint rustle of leaves and low groans of aged bark as a gentle breeze swam through the gnarled branches.

With caution, Amara guided her steed through the twisted maze of ancient trees. Dense foliage swallowed the path ahead and she was wary that they may too disappear into it, losing their way and becoming as lost as the heart they were trying to find.

As they pressed ever deeper into the heart of the forest, an uneasy feeling gnawed away at the insides of her stomach, as though she had eaten something most foul. Amara tightened her grip on the reins and kept a close eye on her footing as she tried to focus on the path ahead.

Before long, the pair reached a small clearing. It was naught but a meagre sanctuary amidst the spectral darkness that enveloped them, but it would have to do.

With practised efficiency, she began to set up camp, hoping to get at least some rest before the night was over. The damp soil beneath her feet seemed to absorb all light, rendering even the flickering flames of her campfire feeble against the encroaching shadows.

Out of caution, she secured Shadowmere to a sturdy tree and muttered a few words of reassurance to the anxious horse. Their journey had been treacherous so far and the many toils of the forest were already beginning to get to the pair. With not only deadly beasts but also the warped magic of the forest against them, they were more on edge than ever before.

What else lurked in the shadows around them, she wondered. What more were they to face? More vivid illusions or perhaps another pack of shadow-like wolves would come for them in their sleep, enacting revenge for the death of their leader?

Amara fiddled with the pendant that hung around her neck, rolling its crystal back and forth between the tips of her fingers. Would Sylvaine's magic truly be able to protect them? Was it even Sylvaine's magic encased within the pendant or was it something else, maybe even something darker? She was hoping to find answers in the forest but so far had only discovered more questions. Questions that made her anxious of what was to come.

As the flames of her fire crackled and swayed, Amara rummaged through her saddlebags for provisions and began to prepare a simple meal. Vegetable soup would have been better had she had more vegetables but half a carrot, a few chunks of potato and a small piece of stale, soggy bread would have to do if she wanted to eat at all in the coming days. She had to stretch her supplies as far as they would go to feed the two of them, unless she was prepared to open her stomach up to the strange plants in the forest.

When she finally slept, it was with one eye left half open, watching the shadows that surrounded her. She lay on her side, dagger in hand, and prayed for a quiet and uneventful night. Veilstorm owed her that much, at least.

She was enveloped in an uneasy stillness, the flickering flames casting dancing shadows that played tricks on her tired eyes. The sound of nocturnal creatures echoed through the trees — distant chittering, and eerie moans. Finally, she drifted off into an unsettled slumber, all her senses remaining on high alert.

In the deep of the night, long after her fire had dwindled into silent embers, a haunting, distant voice seemed to whisper from within the mist around her. Amara's eyes jolted open, and she strained to listen. The voice carried the weight of a ghostly tale, a lamentation echoing from the past. It told a tale of another adventurer who had ventured into these woods seeking the elusive clockwork heart.

In the darkness, Amara spotted a faint and ghastly glow. A dull grey that floated through the fog, growing closer as its humanoid form began to take shape. It spoke of perils faced, the illusions overcome, and the relentless pursuit of an unattainable goal. It was a sombre recounting, a warning etched into the echoes of a journey that had long since passed.

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