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Our story starts a long time ago, in the great Kingdom of Eldoria, where there lived a beautiful princess. She had a kind heart and brought nothing but good fortune to her people. A princess deserving of nothing but a happy and fulfilling life.

Princess Rosalind, the crown jewel of Eldoria, wore only the most exquisite gowns that shimmered like moonlit dew. She was loved by all from the very moment she was born. It was even said she was a gift from the very skies above.

There had been a terrible famine plaguing the land in the years leading up to her birth, you see. But, as prophecy had foretold, her arrival in the world had marked the end of strife and the beginning of a new, joyous era.

With her very first breath, oh, did she wail. Such a small newborn babe crying as though she were experiencing all the pain and suffering of everyone else in the world.

By the time she was done and put her little, weary head to rest, the famine had miraculously come to an end. As if by magic, fields sprung to life with crops and even animals that had been starved and barren looked full once again. New piglets and calves were born only days after and from that moment on, Eldoria could once again feed its people.

For nineteen years, the kingdom lived in such joyous prosperity. Nineteen years in which the tapestry of the princess's life seemed set in its place. All until one single dreaded thread was woven.

On one bright December afternoon — while the palace was bustling with life for the twentieth celebration of their beloved princess's birthday — an uninvited guest marched in through the great palace doors.

Malgrim the Banished had returned and with him, a darkness unlike any other. Guests and servants alike cried out in terror as he strode swiftly through the throne room, his long black cape flapping behind him like the wings of a bat.

"Malgrim," the King's voice boomed, "why have you come?"

The sorcerer's dark amethyst eyes glimmered from under the veil of his hood and his head tilted back, his entire body jolting in maniacal laughter.

"Why have I come?" he asked, "Why, my old friend, do you not already know? I am here to enact my revenge!" His haggard form approached the princess — who stood proudly beside her father — and with the back of his coarse hand, he gently caressed the side of her cheek.

The princess forced a polite smile, although she knew their guest was most unwelcome, and allowed him to lift her hand to his lips for a light kiss.

"You are the very image of your mother, my princess," he backed away, "Which is why I must apologise to you for what is about to happen."

The king stepped in front of his daughter, shielding her from any magic the sorcerer could sling her way. "You will leave Eldoria at once. I will not let you poison my daughter or my Kingdom with your tainted magic!"

"Oh, but the damage is already done. The dial set and the curse begun."

"A curse? Malgrim, what have you done?"

"Father," the princess struggled, her hand solid and cold as she reached for the king's arm.

By the time he turned around it was too late and all he could do was watch as the last of his daughter's petrified face was stiffened in steel.

"I curse you, darling Princess Rosalind, to a life trapped in steel. You will know no love, no fear, no hunger. Your body will be forever young, my beautiful clockwork princess. I rob you of your new clockwork heart and with it, the very prosperity you bring!" Malgrim cried out with a malevolent cackle as a thick, swirling portal began to form behind him.

Before anything could be done to stop him, he was already gone.

Before anything could be done to stop him, he was already gone

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©StoryWriterKato2024 . 654 words

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