CHAPTER 11 - Fist fights and other disagreements

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„You comin'?" Arthur glanced over his shoulder, an annoyed look on his face. It wasn't really a question, more of an order.

He hadn't bothered to explain what happened with the guy he had chased down, he had just mumbled something about some Jimmy Brooks and wandered off towards the saloon.

Uncle didn't insist on taking me back to camp, that's why I stayed, interested in the events that were taking place. Arthur would never tell me about it. Now he was annoyed that I was staying, of course.

„Sure.", I huffed now and jogged after him to close the distance between us and walk besides him.

It took a moment to get used to the dim light in the saloon when we entered. The air was thick with the smoke of cigarettes and the stench of cheap whiskey and sweat. Rough laughter and lowered voices filled my ears.

Arthur placed a hand on my back to guide me towards the bar. I threw him a dirty glance, but his palm stayed exactly where it was. Its warmth seeped through the fabric of my blouse into my skin and made me shiver with disgust, but I knew better than to cause a scene.

We approached two men and two women, who stood at the bar, drinking and laughing, obviously quite intoxicated at this point. One of them turned around and I recognized Javier.

His eyes lit up exitedly and he reached for Arthurs arm. „Oh Arthur. Arthur, come here, come here. I want you to meet our friends."

The outlaws hand finally left my back as he examined the two female „friends" of Javier. They were quite obviously prostitutes, judging by their revealing dresses and the eccentric make up. Their lips were curled into charming smiles and their voices were low and seductive when they spoke.

„Well, ain't you the tough as teak mountain man?"

„Oh, you be quite, Anastasia.", the one with darker hair interrupted her. „Anyone can tell that this one is a pussy caaaat." She dragged out the last word and squinted her eyes a little.

I could barely contain the chuckle that bubbled in my throat. Sure he was. Arthur Morgan, biggest pussy cat in town.

„Exactly! He's a", Javier chimed in. „Isn't that so, Arthur?"

The broad-shouldered man shrugged. „Whatever you say." Then he scanned the womens faces and bodys, eyes lingering on certain extremities. „How much you cost, anyways?"

I found that more amusing than the two prostitutes, even though it was just for the reason of seeing him make a fool of himself. While I had to hold in a grin, the redheads smile faltered and her voice sounded cold when she snapped: „Well, ain't that a nice way to talk to a lady?"

„Oh." Arthur raised his eyebrows. „I didn't knew I was talkin' to a lady." With the last word, his expression changed into that shit-eating grin that shot a wave of disgust through my body.

„Excuse me.", the woman mumbled and left the bar and the two men. Charles, who I only now really acknowledged, tried to hold the dark haired one back, but she ignored him.

„Well, I must say..." Javier shifted his weight uncomfortably from one leg to another. „You got a fine way with the women, amigo."

„Yeah, a regular dandy and charmer.", Arthur grunted and took the womens spot at the bar.

The other man laughed. „At least (Y/n) is stickin' around."

„Sure, but these two would be a better choice.", Arthur grumbled. „Where's Bill?"

„Oh, man, I dread to think about it.", Javier replied, voice still filled with laughter.

In the same moment, the dark haired man entered the saloon. It took him a moment to locate us, then he stumbled over.

The wild, wild West (Arthur Morgan x f!reader)Where stories live. Discover now