CHAPTER 42 - Trouble on the horizon

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I'm really sorry for not posting last week. I really struggled to write anything remotely interesting and had no time to finish two chapters in the same day. So I decided to post the chapter for Brittle Bones and skip the chapter for that week. I hope I'll find the motivation to write more soon. Have fun with this one :)


Days passed, peacefully, almost to peaceful. The detective didn't show up again, but we still held our breaths, anticipating a catastrophy. Three days after Miltons visit, there was still no sign of them returning. After a week, we felt relatively safe again. So much so, that John came up to me on a sunny afternoon with that mischievous glint in his eyes that meant no good.

I fed Cat the last strip of dried chicken meat, then I glanced up at him suspiciously. „What's the business with you?"

He sat down next to me on the sunburned grass and crossed his legs. „What are you doing?", he asked, clearly avoiding my question.

„Teaching the dog some tricks." I shrugged. „I was takin' a break. And what are you doin'?"

He grinned. „Well, I'm onto somethin'. You know howValentine is a livestock town?"

„Right...", I confirmed and squinted my eyes. „And that's important because...?"

„There's an auction coming up and a bunch of farmers are bringing in their animals. I got my eyes on a herd of sheep. They aren't guarded or anything, and they're comin' in from the plains, so it will be easy." He looked at me expectantly.

„And why exactly these sheep?", I questioned.

„Because that's the biggest herd coming in."

I nodded. „Alright. And who's comin' with us?"

„Uhm..." John cleared his throat. „Well, currently... just the two of us. Thought you could ask Arthur to come along, the two of you are in better position than me an him."

„He or Dutch'll have to sign this off anyways. It'll be easier if he just comes.", I agreed.

The real reason I wanted Arthur to come was that I was worried that this wouldn't go as planned if John was leading the mission. He might have a plan, but Arthur was much more calculated and kept a clear head in risky situations. Every mission needed a good leader to be successful. And I would have never dared to take control, as I knew way to little about this situation.

I shook the thoughts off while I dusted my jeans off and went looking for Arthur. Gin was still at the hitching post, so he had to be in the camp. I found him at the chopping block, cutting firewood. I leaned against a small tree and waited until he noticed me.

My gaze was involuntarily drawn to the way his muscles moved under his shirt. He had rolled up the sleeves, his hat was placed on the ground behind him. Strands of honey-coloured hair stuck to his forehead that glistened with sweat. His brows were slightly furrowed while his eyes were fixed on the log in front of him. His body tensed when he brought the axe down. The wood splintered and broke apart as the blade sliced through it and burrowed itself in the log underneath. Arthur rested one foot on it, leaned back slightly and freed the tool with a sharp, strong tug. Then he looked up and finally noticed me, observing him patiently. He leaned the axe against the log and came over.

„What'cha doin' there?", he asked, slightly out of breath from the labour.

„Nothin', I just really enjoy watchin' people chop wood.", I joked, then I sighed. „Well, John's got a plan. Wants to steal some sheep to make money, and I want to take someone with us who knows what they're doin'."

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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