Second Day

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You woke and stared at your ceiling and received a sense of familiarity. It took you a moment to realize that you were in your dorm room at the academy. Normally students had at least one roommate, but given that you transferred in late during the year there was no one to bunk with you in the room.

Getting out of your bed unwillingly, you washed up and gazed at your spring uniform; a white short sleeve dress shirt with a thick black strip at the edge of the hem and a smaller one right above with a black bow at the collar, a black military style vest with golden stripes along the sides, a black plaid skirt, and a small red cape that can be seen connected to the vest from the front. After you put it on, you searched for thigh high black socks in your dresser and put on your brown dress shoes. []

Seeing as how you still had a whole half hour until homeroom started, you locked your door and made your way to the cafeteria. "~~~~~!" someone called you from behind. You turned to see none other than your auburn haired friend, Kairi and her blonde sister. "Good morning!"

"Good morning," you returned. "Are you guys also headed to go get food?"

"Yeah! Let's go together!" Kairi announced. Wrapping arms around your and Naminé's, she marched.

------[Fast Foreword]-----

Homeroom was lighter than the previous day as you saw more familiar faces. You got along with everyone perfectly fine and it seemed like the other day was just a misunderstanding. Math was a bit boring since you didn't have anyone to talk to; though you did notice a blonde guy staring at you periodically throughout class. *I think Sora called him Trey yesterday. Hmmm.*

Science was much better than math with Kairi, Riku, and Xion. Naturally, you guys grouped together to work on the thermodynamics worksheet. "Wait, I don't get this. I'm lost," Xion stated as she scratched her head.

"About?" Riku replied without looking up from his worksheet. His was nearly full with equations and complete sentences that explained the processes much like to yours.

"What the heck does exhausted power equal? Why isn't mine the same as yours, ~~~~~?" she asked grasping her head in anguish.

"Hm? Well, for one," you started while staring at her paper. "Your total power equation is wrong. See here?" You pointed at her work with her pencil and began to make marks on it. "Though you got the actual power amount correct, you needed to divide it by both the max and operating efficiency. Not the other way around, silly."

"What? Really? Darn, no wonder I've been getting these types of questions wrong on the tests so far!"

". . .don't you correct your mistakes or go over them?" Riku asked in slight annoyance.

"Huh? No, why would I do that. It's already marked wrong to get points for it."

"But you could have practiced for the future problems, Xion," Kairi stated as a matter of factly.

"Nah. Too lazy."

"Oh my stars, you are just like Sora," you and Riku stated in unison. Though Riku put in no emotions whatsoever, to which Xion just gestured away.

"How are you doing, Kairi?" you asked.

"Oh, I think I'm getting the hang of it!" And by the looks of her equations and explanations, she was definitely getting the hang of it; much better than her cousin.

"Gosh, ~~~~~," Xion stated as she took your paper and peered at it. "You sure can give Deuce and Queen a run for their money, that's for sure."

"Thank you?" you laughed. "But who the heck is Queen?"

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