Third Filler [.o1]

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Hey y'all!! Sorry for the lack of updates and whatnot but summer is here so hopefully I have more time to write! Okay but this is where it starts to become a bit tricky so please try not to get too confused and ask if you have any questions! I'm going to put out the filler for the first part, well almost, and then the next part of the story! Happy readings!!

xoxo Rin


When Ace woke to the sound of knocking on his door he expected to find either his comrades or Deuce. Instead standing before him was the tall man with long black hair in his everlasting pale complexion holding onto the infamous blonde. "Vincent. Cloud," Ace said their names with a blank face but it was obvious that he was shocked to see them as any other person would be.

"May we come in?" Vincent asked in his hushed voice.

Ace stepped aside and closed the door behind them. He quickly made the bed in his roommate-less room and offered it to which only Vincent gratefully accepted. Cloud stood with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face and refused to sit down in the tiny dorm room. Ace pulled out his desk seat and sat down in front of them.

"If this is–"

"Where is she?" Cloud asked interrupting the platinum head.

"Breakfast isn't even being served yet, don't you think you're a bit early?" Ace retorted with a yawn.

"We came last night right after the King finished with his announcement back in Eden," Vincent spoke feeling the tension that was slowly beginning to rise within the room.

Ace was taken aback by his response, "I'm impressed you haven't flipped the entire school over looking for her then." He scratched his head and tried to stretch out his sore neck.

"He needed a little convincing that it wasn't worth the trouble to wait one more day," the raven haired man spoke with a hint of a smile. Cloud puffed a sigh of annoyance.

"I don't think you are going to be able to see her today though. Possibly by combat period but other than that it's not the best idea to cause the whole ruckus especially since her trial is tomorrow."

"Combat is at the end of the day, Ace," Cloud sneered. "I'm not going to waste another moment."

Ace sighed and stood from his seat to try to match up to Cloud's height. "Even if you go see her now, nothing is going to change! She doesn't remember any one of us and she isn't going to be any different if she sees you, Cloud. It's hard to accept that I understand but that's how it is right now. Besides, we're not even sure if that is the real [Name] anyways."

"Aqua tells us otherwise," Vincent chimed in.

Ace looked towards the brooding man who sat on his bed with crossed arms and a knee over the other. He let out a scoff, "When did you have enough time to hear that?"

"Right after his announcement, he called Cloud in but before that he called in Aqua and asked her to go down to the Graveyard. She came back with multiple wounds and talked about how she couldn't find it anywhere but the Unversed," Vincent notified looking towards the youngling.


"I bask in the shadows; something as easy as information gathering is child's play," his red eyes glowed.

"Of course it is," Ace mumbled giving a sideways glance.

The stoic man balled up his fists, "You better have a goddam reason to keep me from running to my blood sister who is alive and well, Ace."

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