Second Filler

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Morning with Kairi and Naminé

"I wonder if her dorm is the same," Naminé said absent mindlessly.

"Well, it is the only empty dorm that's left," Kairi answered as she brushed her auburn hair. "After the war, Yuffie said she couldn't stay in the room anymore so she went to dorm with Xion and Selphie. I still remember how she would cry night after night and we would have to go comfort her."

"Tifa came over multiple times too."

"It was in place of Cloud. He made Tifa come to console her to make sure Yuffie know she wasn't at fault," Kairi sighed. "We were all at fault, but with what happened, Yuffie felt it was more of her responsibility."

"You reap what you sow," Naminé whispered looking into the mirror to fix her bangs.

Kairi let out a small gasp. "You've changed too, Naminé."

The latter looked at her reflection and looked at Kairi in the background staring at her. "We've all changed, sister. The war took a toll on all of us." She reached for her backpack and opened the door. "Shall we go see if our dear ~~~~~ is making her way to her usual breakfast time?"

Kairi watched Naminé walk out of the room and slowly reached for her backpack. Then her eyes turned to the drawer the two shared and the picture of the group including you as well near the time you all entered high school framed on top. Sora had Roxas in a headlock; he looked a bit annoyed but smiled for the camera anyways. Riku was laughing at the twins with a mocking finger. Kairi and Xion were smiling brightly at the camera. Yuffie was holding onto you with a peace sign which you followed. But what caught her attention the most was how tightly you and Naminé held hands as she shyly smiled at the camera. Back then Naminé was too shy for even pictures that you would have to drag her to take one.

"You didn't change just because of the war, sister. You changed because you feel the most burden for ~~~~~'s death. You are the one who's reaped what you've sowed."

After First

When she saw you leave for your second, Selphie called out to a certain blonde. "Trey, we need to talk."

"And what would the member of the student body like to speak with me about?"

"Stop making ~~~~~ uncomfortable."


"You keep staring at her in class and she feels it and then she fidgets. Don't do that."

"And if I say no?"

"I will either take the matters into my own hands or inform people about it," Selphie crossed her arms.

"And would the others care if I'm staring at her or not?" Trey sneered. "I highly doubt that."

"There are a few who's very uncomfortable that you're staring at her anyways."

"Oh, please. They're just jealous because I can stare at her outright and they have to in the shadows."

"You better watch out then, Trey. Don't think watching over her excessively will cleanse you of your actions during the war," the brunette stated as she shoulder checked him on her way.

Trey glared at the brunette elite and dusted off his shoulder, "Like I'm the only one that needs to be forgiven."

Third with the Twins

"Aw c'mon, Roxas!" Sora cried. "Why can't we just go over there and help her with her magic?"

"Because you suck with magic and I only know how to use dark magic?" he casually answered while flipping through the manuals of red magic.

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