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The journey home is really funny. We sing and laugh non-stop. At around 8.00 pm we are at the school and are picked up. At first I thought I was just going to walk as usual, but then I see Killian leaning against his car. With his athletic, slim figure and short blonde hair, many girls adore him while we're still on the bus. I'm completely surprised, he never picks me up. When I get off the bus, he walks towards me and just smiles. I approach him and we hug.

 He whispers in my ear: "Kay told me what happened. Everything ok?"

"Sure, I'm fine. Uhm, besides, my friends know." I say and look into his eyes.

He looks at me in surprise, but I can see that he thinks it's good that I've opened up. Now he says, "Do you want to have a sleepover party with your friends tonight? It would be nice to meet everyone now."

I look at him in surprise and say, "Sure! If their parents allow it. I'll go and ask in a minute."I run to my friends, who are already standing together and watching me intently. "Hey, Killian asked if we wanted to have a sleepover party tonight. He wouldn't have a problem with it," I explain. My friends are already looking at their parents with puppy dog eyes.

 All the adults look at each other with sceptical glances. Then Killi joins in and says: "It was just an idea. But I think it would be nice. I can take everyone home again tomorrow. That's no problem at all."Killian is good with words, he is also a born vampire and is very good at charming with his gift. Nic and Finny's parents say yes. Toni's father also agrees. The only thing missing is Yemaya's mum. But after a lot of persuasion and a lot of charm from Killi, she finally agrees too. 

We are brutally happy. We all get into Killi's car and drive to our house. On the way, Killian asks my friends: "And you have no bad intentions? You're not going to stab us in the back so that we die too?"

The others sit stiffly in the car and Nic replies:" We would never do that. We love Max and we know that she loves us too. We won't betray you and we'll never say a word about it."

Killian nods and smiles at them through the mirror:" Relax, I won't bite, you're still tensing up. It's not good for your backs."

I look behind me and see the uncertainty in her eyes:" Don't worry, he won't hurt you." 

My friends try to relax and Yemaya asks:" How did you manage to persuade my mum to let me come with you? Knowing her, she would never have said yes."

 Killian grins really wide: "I think Max has already explained it to you, I'm a born vampire just like her and my gift is that I can charm anyone, and I really mean anyone."Yemaya looks convinced.

 The others also nod, understanding why their parents agreed so quickly. And after three more minutes, we arrive at our house. It is cosily situated on the edge of the forest and is fairly ordinary. Kaya is already waiting for us inside with the food - lasagne. We all sit down at the table and start eating. 

But before Toni takes a bite, he asks: "But there's no blood or anything in it?"

Killian, Kaya and I look at each other and all start laughing at the same time.

I say, "No, there's no blood in it. Don't worry, we're not junkies like that."

Kaya then says, "Well, you're not, but I'm sure I'll have a little tin of 0 negative later."

Killian and I laugh even harder and the others just look at us strangely.

 Between two bites, Nic asks:" What other creatures besides vampires and werewolves are there without us knowing about them?"

Killian had an answer to that, as he was the oldest of us:" Well, there are witches and the fairies from Neverland." 

Nic was just about to say something when Finny interrupted him:" Wait a minute, do you mean Neverland like in Peter Pan?"

"Sort of, except that Peter ages even slower than us and isn't always like in the fairy tale. He's a really arrogant bastard. He also killed Tiger Lilly three years ago, as far as I know. That bitch almost destroyed Neverland," he says, shaking his head. 

Toni now adds his two cents:" So Neverland really exists? And Peter Pan too? How do you get there?"

This time I answer:" Yes, but Neverland is divided into three parts. 1. the valley of the fairies, 2. Pan's area, where the Lost Boys also live and 3. James' area."

"James like Captain James Hook?" (Finny)

"Yep, it's such a shame I can't meet him anymore." (Me)

Now Nic asks: "Why can't you meet him anymore?"

"Because he thinks I'm dead, he also kept his promise and fled." (Me)

Everyone goes quiet, we eat the lasagne and when we've finished, Killian and I prepare the mattresses. Meanwhile, the others help Kaya in the kitchen. 

"Is everything really ok? You know you can visit James any time." Killian says.

"I know, but I don't want to put him in danger again. He was one of my best friends and I just don't want him to risk his life for me," I reply, "it's not as easy as it seems."

Killi nods and we prepare the last mattress. "What else do you want to do? It's only half past ten." 

"Haha, you know very well that half past ten can be late for humans? Honestly, I have no idea, I'll just ask, maybe we'll watch a film or play a game. or maybe we'll just talk."


Okkkaayyy, lots of questions and answers again. Feel free to share the story with your friends and give me feedback.

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