Character Bio

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Name: Phantom Storm                  Former Name: Matthew

Former Life: Spec Ops                    Rank: Commander

Current Race: Phantom humanoid        Former Race:Human

Hobbies: Watching anime, Playing Videogames,Protecting the innocent, Likes yakisoba, ramen, etc food.

Current Life: Reincarnated as the Shogun Emperor of the Japhantom Empire and new God King of the Originverse And Originverse system holder. 

Former Life Family: None, Orphan

Current Life Family: Mother: Phantasy Storm                Status: semi dead and unconscious, brought back to life with mc's power to cure everything. Now retired from ruling the Japhantom Empire.

Father: Wraith Storm            Status: semi dead and unconscious, brought back to life with mc's power to cure everything. Now retired from ruling the Japhantom Empire.

Sister: Phantasma Storm            Status: Alive, Previously in a coma where she had to be put in a stasis pod to keep her stabilized.

Great Grandfather times ????? name Wraith Storm the first: Original Originverse Phantom God King, now stepped down to let Phantom Storm takeover as the new Phantom God King, Mc was chosen Phantom God King and originverse goddesses chose him because of his sad past life, honorable deeds that mc did in his past life and because his new mother and father couldn't produce a male heir that wasn't stillborn due to a powerful curse to rule their kingdom before the 3 other countries came under mc's rule and helped them sire a son by reincarnating mc's soul to be their son, he keeps the information about mc being next phantom God King to himself until mc turns 13.

Originverse: The place where all other universes come from such as the omniverse,multiverse,etc,this place is the birthplace of the verses so if one is destroyed it is recreated here and then sent back so that life can flourish once again. It is also the place where worlds called prime worlds exist that have names similar world names. Such as remnant from rwby, Japan from ghost in the shell, and other similar names.

Facts about originverse: 

1.Time moves slowly here in the originverse while the other verses have regular paced time,1 day in other verses is equivalent to a year,a month 5 years,1 year is equivalent to 10 years,5 years is equivalent to 50 years,10 years is equivalent to 100 years,and ect.

2.The God King of the Originverse can allow the time pace to match the other verses and also change it back to slow.

3.Training in the Originverse is instantly completed,what would have taking years or decades can be completed instantly here.

Abilities of Phantom Storm: 1.Is able to summon technology and other useful items from his reality and other world realities as well with a special summon ability that uses dnd dice except special rules apply.

2.Able to summon any weapon or power from anime,previous world,future,and videogames,with said summon ability that uses dnd dice but wants said weapons and abilitys to evolve with him by balancing their stats by giving them growth ability.

3.Able to summon his own army with said ability but character wants to balance everyones stats  with growth ability from videogames,anime,etc.He will apply this to the current Japhantom Empire's army as well.

4.Able to travel worlds:note he will not receive this ability until this world is under his world and becomes the next originverse Phantom King of Gods.

5.Immortal and doesn't age .Giving to mc without his knowledge when Original Originverse Phantom King of Gods sent mc to be reincarnated.

6.Unlimited Ammo for his ranged weapons. This ability is given to his army,as well as his summoned forces.

7.  Future Shadow Monarch.

8. Sauron's Heir (Originverse Sauron from his prime world will be a kind king)

9. Power to copy any power or ability or perfect micry.


1. Copy of the original Yamato from dmc just as powerful.

2. Phantom Keyblades (when it appears will be a secret).

Mc will receive more powers abilities and powers but it depends on how many he gets  when i roll a D20 from the dnd game dice also i am planning on using dnd dice to balance all summoned characters,weapons,and abilities,technology is fine though,but summoned characters weapons will also be balanced i won't make my mc and his summons to op for you readers.

Likes: his harem, playing videogames, watching anime, helping the innocent, code of the samurai, Peace, no war, the seven goddesses of originverse: formerly known as the seven goddesses of corrupted darkness, the church of the seven goddesses of origin: formerly known as the cult of the goddesses of corrupted darkness, his new family,.

Dislikes: War, innocents being hurt or killed, demons of corrupted darkness, The cult of corrupted darkness, the seven goddesses of corrupted darkness, enemies in his new world from animes that mc has watched.

Armor and weapons he receives upon his thirteenth birthday: Fully upgraded sakai clan armor and sakai clan weapons made of Originverse Eternal Metal, The strongest, Unbreakable, Nondamageable and most Powerful Metal in the Originverse. It can also fuse with magic. Sure hate to be the the hero or villan who has vibranium or any metal used to be called the strongest metal.

His army and summoned army will have weapons and armor made of Originverse Eternal Metal. 

I will add info in the future when he gets a new weapon,ability,power,technology,or summoned character.

Powers and abilities: 

1. Able to equip use all the kamen rider and ultimate forms, abilities, and powers without the need for the driver.

2. Has the sparda bloodline and is able to use the sin trigger form.

3. Able to use the ghost mode from ghost of tsushima automatically.

4. Able to use all the power ranger powers, owner of the phantom morpher.

Summoned Forces from the prime worlds of the originverse:

1. Saber Artoria Pendragon and other heroic spirits from Fate Grand Order and other fate anime.

2..  Artoria Pendragon's knights of the round table.

3. Trails of cold steel series and other trails series characters including the divine knights.

4. Integra Van Hellsing, Alucard, Seras Victoria, and the Hellsign organization from Hellsing Ultimate anime.

5. Penguin, Two-Face, Scarecrow, Bane, Deadshot, Deathstroke, Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Mister Freeze and his wife, And Jason Todd or Arkham Knight and his arkham militia from batman arkham series.

6. Black Lagoon Comapany, Jane, Eda, Shenhua, Balalaika 

7. Big Boss Snake,  Big Boss Venom Snake, Miller, Ocelot, Quiet, XOF soldiers and the entire diamond dog army from Metal gear solid 5 Ground Zero and Phantom Pain renamed Phantom Diamond Wolves.

8. Assassins and Templars and their armies from Assassins creed game series. (others appear randomly in other worlds).

9. White knight chronicles main characters and the yshrenian knights renamed the Japhantom Empire Knights.

10. Megaman X, Zero, The Four Guardians and other reploids, Ciel and her reploid resistance army.

11. All the Jedi and clone troopers including the kaminoans and their cloning facilities from Star wars tv series and movies.

12. Major Motoko Kusanagi, all of section 9 and their tachikomas.

13. Darth Revan. (when near yamayura village).


1. Drake Horse: Shadow Wraith.

More Information will be added in the future stories.

Dear authors please contact me via comments or message me in my profile to ask for my permission to use any of my characters i created in your stories.

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