Prologue Part 3 The Duel,A Hero's Victory and His Fall

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-Inside Japan's International Dueling Arena-

The scene starts Inside Japan's International Dueling Arena and duel has started both fighters trying to cut and slash their opponent with their swords when they see an opportunity, and blocking their opponent's attacks. They stop to talk for a bit. 

-Third person pov-

SAGGLAR Army Commander: Very good Commander Matthew, I see that you are using two long swords from both the Samurai and the medieval knight eras. You even made your own duel sword fighting style using both of their styles you are worthy opponent.

Commander Matthew: I could say the same to you. You fight with honor it's a shame that you were an enemy we could have great friends and rivals.

SAGGLAR Army Commander: Indeed, However we can still do be friends and rivals when you visit me in the special prison I'll be placed in and we can have spars there when you win the duel.

Commander Matthew: I accept, but let's continue the duel.

Both Competitors resume the duel. The scene then focuses on Commander Matthew's Female XO, the British SAS Commander, and the JSDF Commander.

-Stadium Security POV-

Phantom Army Female XO: Alright, Go Commander, You got this.

British SAS Commander: Bloody Hell, I have to admit Commander Matthew is really good at using a Knight's longsword with a Samurai Katana. He has even developed his own fighting style using both swords, his fighting style will go in the history books for sure.

JSDF Commander: Indeed, the emperor of japan, and the King of Britain will both be proud to have him as their son. But enough talking, we can still watch the duel while patrolling the perimeter inside the stadium while our men guard the entrances. The SAGGLAR Army squad is patrolling the grounds outside and also guarding the entrances. So we still need to be on high alert incase a third party somehow gets inside and takes advantage of the duel to kill both the dueling Commanders, and the SAGGLAR Army XO.

Phantom Army Female XO and British SAS Commander: Right.

All three Split up to patrol different parts inside the arena. The scene then changes outside where two SAGGLAR Army patrolmen are guarding the southeast entrance that leads inside the dueling arena and is a shorcut to the VIP rooms. One of the two patrolmen decides to talk with the other while listening to fight being broadcasted on the radio.

-Outside Japan's International Dueling Arena-

-SAGGLAR Army Patrol POV-

SAGGLAR Army patrolmen 1: Sounds like that Commander Matthew is giving our king a really good fight.

SAGGLAR Army patrolmen 2: Indeed, it seems that both have a chance of winning we'll have to listen closely while still looking out for any trouble. The Phantom Army, British SAS, and JSDF have kept their word to not cause trouble. Especially the leaders of the united states, great britain, and japan. But who's to say a third party won't come and take advantage of the duel to kill both the Commanders dueling and our Commander's XO everyone needs to keep look out for anything suspicious.

Suddenly, one of the the SAGGLAR Army Patrolmen is hit by a dart and his eyes roll back and falls to the ground unconscious. The second patrolmen seeing this begins to raise the alarm by talking on his walkie-talkie. 

 SAGGLAR Army patrolmen 2:Oh no, we got intru-.

But he is cut off as the same dart that hit his partner hits him as well. His eyes roll back and falls to the ground unconscious. Two spec op assassins from a country that has is ruled by an evil leader appear out of the bushes wearing camo gear and carrying firearms that use both lethal and non-lethal ammo walk up to the two unconscious SAGGLAR Army patrolmen. The first spec op assassin talks to his spec op assassin squadmate.

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