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welcome, readers, to a fanfic for my fellow fitz vacker lovers :))))

a note beforehand: i usually go on updating sprees and then stages of giving up and then sudden motivation haunts me again, so don't expect order and planned chapters (i save that for reality). additionally, I'm making this up as i go, so if something is confusing, please deal with it or just notify me in the comments so i can fix it. this isn't a novel. it's a free time activity (although i don't have much time).

anywho, thank you for reading, and my only promise is that the first few chapters will be posted march 22, 2024, which just happens to be this month, so yayyyyy...

another note: i really didn't like fitz vacker as i continued reading the kotlc series, but now that i haven't been a part of this fandom for some time (a really long time), i kinda like him? like, he shouldn't be with sophie, but i really like him as a character bc tbh kinda relatable. i wish i could just be angry like he is, but sadly no. so, here he is, as his character reimagined by me bc no, i am not rereading a whole series all over again (just using 8.5 as a guide) to study his characteristics.

original plots, dialogues, and characters are owned by Shannon Messenger, and i only recognize Joelle and her backstory as my own creation

happy reading!

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