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Athena strides out of the meeting room, her mind abuzz with strategies and plans for Treech's presentation that she hopes to discuss with him tomorrow. Dean Highbottom had sent the mentors home for some rest before they're due to preview the arena in three hours, giving her ample time to start planning. Persephone quickly appears beside her, matching her pace, her eyes sparkling with a mix of excitement and concern.

"Can you believe Dean Highbottom? 'Get some rest,' he says, as if we could relax knowing what's coming," Persephone quips, rolling her eyes dramatically.

Athena chuckles, shaking her head. "I doubt anyone's getting any relaxation today. Especially not with that arena tour so soon. I don't see the point anyway, we've been there before and there's nowhere to run or to hide".

They weave through the bustling lobby, dodging other mentors in a dance they've come to master over their years at the Academy. Once outside, the cool air of the Capitol brings a welcome relief from the stuffy atmosphere they've left behind.

"I just... I want to keep Mizzen safe, you know?" Persephone's voice drops to a whisper as they start their walk home, "He's like the little brother I never had, he's even started calling me Saffy as a nickname".

Athena huffs out a small laugh, replying bluntly, "Cute".

However, despite laughing at it, she understands all too well.

 "I guess I see Treech differently now too. He's... he's a good friend," she reluctantly says, thinking back to their meeting. She doesn't think she'll ever be able to forget that amused, lopsided grin that appears on his face whenever he's laughing at his own jokes, or even the way his eyes crinkle at the corners when he's truly laughing. She wonders if he notices these little things about her, or if he even thinks of her the way she thinks of him. 

Persephone nudges her with an elbow, a mischievous grin spreading across her face, "Or maybe more than a friend? Is our Athena finally smitten?"

With an exaggerated sigh, Athena nudges back to deflect, "As if. And what about you and Festus? I see the way you two are always as red as tomatoes when around each other".

Blushing furiously, Persephone hushes her, "Please don't say anything to anyone. But yes, I... sort of like him".

As Athena gasps happily, Persephone quickly reprimands, "Only a little bit, so don't go making a big deal out of it".

Athena's heart swells with pride for her friend as she wryly responds, "He likes you too, you know. It's as clear as day. Now we just have to figure out who makes the first move".

Persephone just laughs, nudging Athena once more and saying, "Oh, shut up, I saw you making goo-goo eyes at Treech when we were at the zoo".

Athena flushes bright red as she responds indignantly, "No I wasn't! You don't know what you're talking about".

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