𓄼˚ chapter two

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10:15 A.M. Neil's and Todd's room.

Mr Perry stood in front of the door, both his children mirroring him.

"Father, I thought you'd gone." Neil said in a shaky voice.

"What's wrong?" Louise inquired.

"Mr Perry." The rest said.

"Keep your seats fellows, keep your seats." The boys sat down.

"Neil, I've just spoken to Mr. Nolan. I think that you're taking too many extra curricular activities this semester, and I've decided that you should drop the school annual."

Louise leaned to her brother, choosing to stay quiet.

"But I'm the assistant editor this year."

"Well I'm sorry Neil."

"But Father, I can't. It wouldn't be fair."

Mr Perry stared at the present, somewhat of a incredulous look on his face. Louise knew all about this frown: he was embarrassed his decisions weren't accepted by his kin in front of other people.

"Fellas, would you excuse us for a moment?" the older man said, making his way out of the dorm. Neil followed and behind him, Louise.

They were now standing outside the room, and Louise had closed the door. Her father wasn't happy that she, too, had followed him, but he did not want to fight with both his children.

He grabbed his son's arm and Louise shot him a violent look. "Father, there are people around here."

To this, he broke the physical contact. She mentally sighed in relief, yet held her gaze in anticipation of his words. Mr Perry went back to his first idea, staring at his son.

"Don't you ever dispute me in public. Do you understand?"

"Father, I wasn't disputing-"

"After you've finished medical school and you're on your own, then you can do as you damn well please. But until then, you do as I tell you. Is that clear?"

He looked between his offspring, "you too, Mary Louise. I don't want any more complaints about your lady classes."

They both said sorry.

"You know how much this means to your mother, don't you?"

"Yes, sir." She looked down to her shoes, mind full of her mother's guilt.

"Yes sir. You know m-- us, always taking on too much."

"Well, that's my boy. And my little girl. Now listen, you need anything, you let us know, huh?"

They nodded and the older man left their sight. To this, the boys emerged from the room.

Louise and Neil scoffed. The current crossed her arms, "you gossipmongers."

"Why doesn't he let you do what you want?" Charlie questioned.

Knox took his side, "Yeah, guys, tell him off. It couldn't get any worse."

"Oh, that's rich. Like you guys tell your parents off, Mr. Future Lawyer and Mr. Future Banker." Neil countered.

"Okay, so I don't like it any more than you do." Charlie raised his tone. In response, Louise took a step forward, putting a hand in front of him.

"You do the same with your parents." She reasoned, and her eyes went from Charlie to Knox. When they released their rigidness, her hand went to her side. "Just don't tell us how to speak to our father, please."

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