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Bold and underline = Chinese



Jin had an important announcement to make about the places where the boys would be sleeping. 

" Listen boys, my house has only 7 extra rooms so  you guys will be put in pairs. Since we already made pairs in the afternoon, we'll follow the same duos. There will be two mattresses in each room."

Everyone groaned in discomfort except for a certain person named... SEOKMIN...

Joshua was the most upset student.  Playing the game was already overwhelming, if I have to stay with- no sleep with him in the same room, I'd rather die by Jun's cringe pickup lines. But it was too late to change anything. There was still time to head to bed, the students of Architecture were enjoying talking to each other, sitting around the bonfire.

"Guys can you believe that I'm sleeping with the hamster ?" said Jihoon.

" Hope you catch the tiger virus too" wished Vernon sarcastically.

" Have you guys noticed that Joshuji has been quiet for a long time ?" asked Jeonghan, worried about his friend.

" I heard you were listening to heartbreaking songs in the bus" commented Jun.

"It's nothing" said Joshua.

" Stop lying" asserted Wonwoo. Joshua kept on dodging the question but his friends wouldn't leave him alone.

"Geez! Alright, my first love kissed me when he was in a relationship with one of my old classmates

" That's messed up Hyung" said Samuel, shocked by Joshua's confession.

" That good for nothing brat! Want me to beat him up ?" implored Jihoon angrily.

" Let's see if you survive this night. Then we'll think about beating that cheater" commented Wonwoo.

" We're on a trip, I just don't want to make you worried and spoil the fun" said Joshua in a soft tone.

" When we get make back home I'm going to find a nice boy for you, twin" added Jeonghan.

" Guys, I'm going to hit the sack" said Jun.

" You really wanna sleep with that dude?" asked Vernon surprised.

" Lord no ! I'm sleepy" said Jun yawning.

" Plus, if he tries to fight with me I'll just say something in Chinese or just show my martial art skills"

" He's Chinese?" doubted Wonwoo.

" Duh! His name is Xu Minghao. You should know your enemies really well Won" answered the Chinese.

" See ya later doofuses !!!

" Let's get back to our discussion. Is there any way by which we can disown our delusional mom?" sassed Jihoon.



Jun was the first one to reach the room. He was about to sleep, but he got disturbed when the door opened. It was his roommate for the trip :Minghao.

" Took you long enough" said Jun

" Not my fault you're early" pointed out Minghao. Jun rolled his eyes. 

" Maybe you forgot that you have a boyfriend" stated Jun.

" Wait when did I have one?" teased Minghao. He was trying his best to hold his laughter. Jun, being the drama llama he is, held his chest. He also shed a few fake tears.

" You're telling me I spent two weeks, thinking of ways to propose to you only for you to say that you don't have a boyfriend?"

" Stop lying, you only spent one day"

" How do you know that?

" Cuz I'm your... boyfriend" said Minghao. Jun smiled. They both clicked really well. Talk about S.O.U.L.M.A.T.E.S

{ And how they got together umm... that's a long story. We'll talk about that later 🤫}

" So are you gonna sleep or what?" implored Jun.

" With you?" asked Minghao

" Obviously" was the answer he got. Jun, who was already in bed was joined by Minghao. The younger made himself comfortable.

Jun lied on his back and  he held Minghao  while the other's head rested on his chest. Minghao missed the elder's warmth. He wanted to spend the entire day with him. But because of the stupid rivalry, they cannot be themselves. 

Both their hands were beautifully interlocked. They both felt peace in the embrace. Minghao sleepily said " Good Night Junnie..."

A huge grin broke out on Jun's face. Minghao was looking so adorable 😻.

He pecked his lips and whispered " 'Night Haohao"


Just a filler chapter... 

P.S.  - There will be Seoksoo scenes too... I just adore Junhao a lot 😹

BTW, I just published another story :

~ Because Of You~

It is a Jeongcheol, Meanie and Verkwan fanfic.

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