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"Well," said Sherlock, after giving Greg the information he wanted and after Greg had made the necessary arrest by making a few phone calls, "well, my brother may not give that impression, but he likes to be wooed. Someone who is interested in him should take their time and approach him slowly and romantically."
Greg looked up in surprise from his desk in his office at New Scotland Yard.
"And this should be relevant to me for exactly what reason... ?"
Sherlock snorted.
"Listen, Greg. My brother's been interested in you, he has been since the first time he met you."
Greg stared at him with his mouth open. He must have heard wrong.
"And since I've noticed lately that you're also interested in him - and now don't you dare deny it, don't forget you're talking to Sherlock Holmes - but neither one of you comes up with the idea to move towards the other one, I thought I'd give you a little push in the right direction. You're much braver than Mycroft, so you're more likely to take the first step. Now, if you'll excuse me, John is waiting for me."
And with that, he rushed out of Greg's office.

Greg shook his head.
What the hell was that about?
He wanted to go back to the files that were on his desk, but he couldn't stop his mind from turning to Sherlock's older brother. He sighed. Yes, Sherlock was right. He was fascinated by Mycroft. He had been for a long time.
When Mycroft appeared at the Yard, it was usually to give orders and instructions. He was arrogant, bossy, aloof, there were reasons they called him "The Iceman". People generally bowed to him; since nobody really knew what position he actually held, but he radiated authority and self-confidence through his appearance alone, as if no one could harm him and as if it was a matter of course that his words were obeyed, it was generally agreed not to contradict him for safety's sake.

But ... Greg knew that there was another, human side to him.
Greg had seen it.
For a few brief moments, he had seen it flash before his eyes.
The first time had been the day they met. Mycroft had asked about Sherlock and offered him, Greg, money in exchange for information. He had refused, and for fractions of a second he had seen the care and concern for his brother light up in the eyes of the other, before the mask of the ice-cold politician had been put over it again.

They had met again at 221b Baker Street, shortly after John and Sherlock had become a couple. Mycroft had questioned both John and Greg about Sherlock on the subject of drugs. They were happy to give him information, as there was nothing but good news to report, Sherlock had been stable for a long time. And Greg had seen something of gratitude in Holmes' eyes.
There had been other such moments. And Greg was sure that besides him and perhaps John, nobody who did not belong to the Holmes family, would ever have the opportunity to notice this. In fact, John was now somehow a member of the family.

Greg sighed again.
Despite all this, this was still about Mycroft Holmes. And the thought that had just crept into Greg's head was completely absurd. The thought, or rather the wish, that one day he would also belong to the Holmes family, and that he would do so alongside this man.
He ran his hand through the grey hair and tried to concentrate on the file in front of him again. It did not work. His thoughts kept wandering.
Mycroft Holmes.

Sherlock had claimed that Holmes was interested in him. And since he'd spoken of "wooing" and "conquering", it was clear in which direction that interest was going.
But, um... ..was it true?

Greg was sure that Sherlock would make no mistake. Sherlock was never wrong, as much as this fact annoyed Greg at times, because Sherlock never missed an opportunity to rub everyone's nose in it.
He would, however, trust the younger Holmes to simply tell the untruth. Not out of malice, no. Rather, to watch him make a fool of himself, to have his amusement, and thus escape boredom, at least for a short while.

On the other hand... ...there was John now. John, who made sure that Sherlock was far less bored than before. John, who would by no means approve of such a "fooling around" and, should he find out, would give Sherlock hell. John was a factor to be taken seriously, who clearly spoke against teasing on Sherlock's part.

But even if that were so...
What would he do with it?
Well, he couldn't very well go to Mycroft Holmes and say:
"Look, I fancy you, and I know you fancy me, so shouldn't we just stick together from now on?"
Greg smirked at the phrase. And imagined Holmes' reaction.
He would probably raise one eyebrow, sneer at him and say something like:
"Detective Inspector, you should urgently review the dosage of your psychotropic drugs!"
No, Greg thought giggling, that would almost be too humorous and not offensive enough.
More or less:
"DI Lestrade, you should urgently reconsider whether choosing alcoholic beverages during your lunch hour is beneficial for your career!"
And then he'd turn on his heels and go.

Greg did start giggling at the performance.
At that moment, Donovan knocked on his office door.
Pull yourself together, Lestrade, he said to himself; there's work to be done here, you're not here to romanticize Mycroft Holmes ..., his brain wanted to think, but he wouldn't let it and changed the word to philosophize. Yeah, you're not here to philosophize about Holmes.
"Come in," he called Donovan to him.
"Sally, what's up?"

And while he listened to her talk, he had the Holmes subject put aside.
He saw no opportunity to talk to this man any further and Sherlock could spin all he wanted; it was a given, and therefore it was not worth thinking about any further.

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