chapter 2- rebel rebel

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-reader's pov

"you are to wear your finest clothes, y/n." my mother's formidable voice snapped at me, "you can't attend a royal wedding wearing those rags!"

my face twists with disdain at her words, glancing over myself; i take in my attire. a pair of shorts which had been skilfully crafted by me. i'd used a hemp fabric to make them— solely because the material was the most flexible fabric i could find in the entire house. on my upper half was a cotton henley shirt with missing sleeves which had been torn right off. topping the whole outfit was a v-neck jacket; made of a fine leather however the sleeves were also missing.

i give a careless shrug, glancing back up to my irked mother. "i don't see what's wrong—"

i'm instantly cut off by my mother's degrading voice shouting at me. "you look like a man!" she cried, "—a goddamn homosexual."

my eyes flash with a sense of anger, i fold my arms over my chest firmly before marching out of the room. huffing to myself, i stomp down the stairs and out the door, not forgetting to slam it shut as i exit.

"stupid royal wedding.." i grumble to myself miserably as i trail away from my house. the humid heat engulfs me as i walk, only making me more irritated. i'm lazily kicking at the gravel on the ground, heading towards the castle seeing as i had nothing better to do.

eventually, i reach the outskirts of the grand building. commoners weren't allowed into the actual grounds itself; however they were welcome to congratulate the couple on their way to the mountain ceremony... whatever happened there.

i'm stood alongside a line of other people, rose petals ushered into my hands by castle-guards. the new couple suddenly come into sight. they're walking down a set of marble stairs and towards a fancy-looking carriage, drawn by four white horses with soft, silky manes.

i watch as the young woman shares a few words with three people, seemingly her family; before joining her husband and gracefully stepping onto the carriage. she sits comfortably down on the gold cushions and that's when i recognise her.

it was the same young woman from yesterday— the one in the carriage which almost obliterated every bone in my foot. my eyebrows raise with slight surprise and i gaze at her intently. an intricately-designed crown was placed carefully atop of her smooth red hair. she was wearing the most beautiful dress; a match of golden and maroon in colour. expensive-looking jewellery hung around her neck, only adding to her beauty.

i swallow deeply and clutch my rose petals more tightly. the men up front whip at the reins and the horses begin to trot onwards. everyone around me throws their petals onto the carriage and couple— yet i don't. unsure as to why i didn't throw them, i glance down towards the petals that still remain in my open palms. i blink softly down at them, a sigh leaving my lips before i turn to watch the carriage speeding away.

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