chapter 7- take on me

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-reader's pov

the enraged beast stared me down ferociously, her scaly nostrils flaring in frustration. she sniffed intently at the humid cave air for a moment before snarling, "you're not of royal blood."

"...i know." i state bluntly, feeling so small before this mighty dragon that i had pissed off.

"what are you doing here?" she growls, her warm breath blowing against my entire body as she speaks; causing me to shiver with discomfort.

"i— err..." i begin shakily, until suddenly i spot something in the corner of my eye. for a brief second i glance over to elodie as she skilfully scales the rope hanging in the cave, the one that her father had used to get down here.

"you're not one of the king's soldiers, are you?" she snarls angrily, knife-like talons digging into the rubble below her smoothy; like a knife into butter. "i didn't know they recruited women..."

my eyes are trained onto elodie as she swiftly scales the remaining rope, pulling herself up to safety. i let out a sigh of relief under my breath, how on earth was my distraction actually working?? i then fix my gaze to the dragon again. "they don't." i say blankly.

the dragon rolled her large, powerful shoulders with a low growl. "then, tell me, what are you doing here?— don't tell me you're here to save that girl, for whatever reason..."

i swallow a forming lump in my throat quietly, "i— i saw her get thrown down here, i just had to help—"

the dragon cuts me off; letting out a low, almost mocking laugh. it echoes through the hollow cave, making a few ragged rocks crumble. "oh, you pity her."

"—no!" i snap, defending myself, "..well, maybe. but still— she was thrown down into a pit for goodness sake!" how could a dragon, of all things, be mocking me?! "and, besides, she's managed to find her own way out now." a smug smirk curves onto my lips as i watch the dragon's expression fall.

"what." she snaps fiercely, snapping her head back around to glare holes into the dangling rope as it swings freely. elodie not in sight. the dragon lets out a roar of anger before swiftly tackling me with her thick, black tail. i topple to the ground with a harsh thud before i find myself being raised midair. i let out a surprised yelp as i dangle upside down, dangerously close to the dragon's snout which is lined with piercingly sharp teeth. her nostrils twitch with irritation right before me.

i feel all the blood rush to my face and my hair droops down, covering my eyes quite a bit; making it difficult for me to see. though i can still feel the sticky heat of the dragon's breath billowing onto me.

"that's okay." she snarks maliciously, a cruel glint her eye, "she'll come back for you." i feel my heart drop. i'd rather elodie just leave me to die in this cave; so she can flee this hellhole of a kingdom and live a happy, prosperous life. "i'll just finish her off then."

authors note:
sorry this is short!! i wrote it in the back of a moving motorhome lmao

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