chapter 5- can you dig it?

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-reader's pov

with intense rays of sunlight nearly blinding my vision, i stalk my way back up the grit-littered pathway towards the mountain. the mountain's immense height thankfully acted as a form of shade for me and i was quick to take refuge in the coolness of the shade.

with the back of my palm, i go to wipe away some sweat that had formed upon my forehead. however i'm met with the burning hot metal of my knight's helmet. i hiss in pain briefly; now under the shelter that the mountain brought, i take a brief glance around my surroundings. first glance, i don't notice anything interesting until suddenly my eyes are drawn to a small crack in the mountain side. usually, i'd miss something as small and insignificant as this but the more i focus on the narrow gap, i start to hear a low grumbling sound from within.

interest piqued, i hesitantly approach the crack. the closer i get, the louder the grumbling gets. it almost sounds like animalistic growling...

my brow furrows in curiosity as i discover an almost... pathway. it was slim, very slim. but my curiosity didn't let me back down. i take a deep breath before making my way through the small rocky split and into the mountain.

i stumble a little as the narrow path suddenly ends and i find myself now inside the mountain. i have to place a hand on the rocks beside me so that i didn't fall. below me was a huge clearing within the mountain. a fair few rugged stalagmites litter the ground, with some even hanging from the ceiling of the cave-like environment. along with towering towers of rough, craggy rocks littering the ground too.

a small gasp escapes my lips as i look down, the drop was at least 100ft for sure. i'd die instantly if i were to jump. but my eyes then latch onto a rope that had been securely tied around a pointed rock. the rope was extremely long and it hung all the way down to the ground. someone had been here before, i realised.

the only way to find that princess was to go down. so, with a huff, i clasp my hands around the rope and begin my descent to the ground below.

i'm dangling midair, clinging onto this sturdy rope for dear life. slowly but surely, i shift my body down the rope. my hands are red-raw and extremely sore yet i keep going. after all, it's not like i could let go now.

eventually, i reach the rocky ground below. my boots thud softly against the floor and i rub my stinging hands against my thighs to try and relieve some of the burning pain.

with an expression creased in slight pain, i search around the area for any traces of the princess. "PRINCESS?" i call out, my voice helplessly echoing through the cave and receiving no response except from the faint sound of a scuffle. i instantly crane my neck to stare at where the sound came from. a sort of alleyway, except formed of craters and rocks— of course.

blinking thoughtfully, i approach the alleyway and venture inside. it's pitch-black and i can't see a thing.

"PRINCESS?" i below again, my voice echoing even louder down the tight alley of rocks. i purse my lips into a firm line of determination until extremely suddenly, a sapphire orb of light comes into my vision.

it's advancing towards me at a pace that could be considered concerning. "hey, hey, hey!-" i start to repeat frantically, squeezing my eyes shut and holding my arms over my chest for protection until i'm suddenly met with two arms flinging around me.

i stumble back in surprise as the two muscular arms engulf me in this unexpected embrace.

"oh thank god." a posh-sounding yet pretty voice trembles close to my ear: causing even more confusion to cloud my mind.

i pull away slightly to inspect whoever had just hugged me so suddenly. stood before me, illuminated by a sack of wriggling, azure glow-worms is the princess. she looked nothing like before. half of her clothing had been torn off, her red hair was loose: straggled all over the place. there were nasty-looking burns and cuts all over her dirty yet still surprisingly soft skin.

"p-princess.." i stutter, a little out of breath from the attack of affection and from how truly breathtaking her chocolate doe eyes were up this close.

"oh, i just knew my father would send one of his men to find me..." she uttered quietly, looking over me.

"men?!" i'm quick to exclaim in astonishment, my voice accidentally cracking and going up in pitch: causing me to blush furiously in embarrassment.

i watch the princess' brow wrinkle in a combination of curiosity and confusion before she takes ahold of my helmet and gently pulls it off.

she gasps softly and drops the helmet with a clatter when her eyes latch onto mine. "you're a girl?" she remarks in a hushed tone, seemingly shocked.

i look over myself for a moment before meeting her bewildered gaze again, "um, yes." i pause, quickly adding, "—your majesty."

the princess scoffs and rolls her eyes, "i'm hardly a majesty in this current state..." she pauses, squinting her eyes as she scans me up and down more closely. "you're the girl that my carriage almost hit, aren't you?" she correctly inquires.

my embarrassed blush deepens and i shrug sheepishly until that same predatory snarl that i heard earlier sounds out. both the princess and i turn to look in the direction it came from.

"what was that?" i ask intently.

"you don't wanna know..." the princess replies gravely, shaking her head solemnly as an undeniable look of despair spreads swiftly across her face like wildfire.

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