05. Make It Right

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"Do I really have to do that?"

Day immediately looked guilty, "You don't have to. We can find some other place."

Mhok couldn't bear to see Day like that, "It's airtight, Day. I can go to the bakery. It's reasonable since it's the closest one here."

Mhok disliked the idea of returning to that bakery, even if it was just to buy a cake for Day. Mhok had somewhat made an internal vow that he wouldn't step his foot inside that place ever again.

But, when things concerned Day, he couldn't help but keep his pride aside.

"Is it okay if I ask, why are you craving pastry today?" Mhok asked.

Day scratched the back of his neck, seeming embarrassed, "I have a sweet tooth. I need a sugar rush to continue writing my book."

"Pfft!" Mhok laughed.

Day looked offended, "Hey!"

Mhok covered his mouth with his hand, "I'm sorry. I just didn't expect that."

Day still looked sulky, and Mhok thought that Day looked cute at that moment.

"I shouldn't have told you," Day muttered.

"Aww, c'mon! I apologised already." Mhok decided to flip the subject instead, "I didn't know that you're a writer."

All the previous offended expressions vanished from Day's face at the mention of his passion, "Yes, but I haven't published anything yet. I'm planning on doing it. That's why I left my parents' place to live here."

All this new information was too much to process for Mhok, "Oh that's great." He didn't know a better way to respond to that.

Mhok didn't really appreciate the idea of Day leaving his parent's house to live on his own but he respected Day's decision nonetheless.

"Now, can you please go and get me cake?" Day almost rolled his eyes.

Mhok let out a laugh, "How can I not go when my boss asks me this politely?"

Day stuck his tongue out immaturely. Moments like this reminded Mhok that Day was still younger than him.

Mhok couldn't help but gaze at Day in adoration, "Alright, I'm heading out then. I'll be back in 5 minutes."

"Okay then, get going." Day staggered towards the comfy couch.

Mhok walked out of the house towards the bakery. He could feel his humiliation growing with each step he took, but he decided that he shouldn't care anymore.

He strode through bakery entrance.

A worker smiled at him, not recognizing him, "What would you like, sir?"

Mhok worked there for barely a week. No wonder why no one recognized him.

"Red velvet cake. A big one."

When the staff was packing the order, the bakery owner emerged into the scene.

"Woah! Fancy seeing you here." Derek, the owner sneered at him.

Derek was a young man in his mid-twenties, but his mood always remained as crappy as an old man.

Mhok decided to keep his calm, "Is this fuss about me resigning?"

Derek snorted, "No, I was just being friendly. Why would you think other way?"

Mhok had no time for this. There was someone waiting for him. More precisely, for the cake.

"Here's your order, Sir."

Mhok received the cake after making the payment.

He cast one look at Derek, "I'll be coming here more frequently now, so let's drop the coldness, alright?"

Derek looked a little taken aback at that but didn't respond to anything.

Mhok took that as his cue to leave.

He sprinted quickly to Day's house, worrying about how much time he had taken.

Day immediately opened the door when Mhok knocked on it. Mhok wondered whether Day had been standing by the door.

"I'm sorry. I took longer than expected." Mhok didn't waste a moment before apologizing.

Day shook his head, "It's alright."

But Day's worried expression said otherwise.

Mhok sighed, "Let's go to the kitchen."

Mhok placed the cake on the table. Day felt the box under his fingers, "Is it a big cake? I asked for a pastry."

"You need it very often, I figured that it is better this way. Do you not like it?" Mhok looked concerned. He didn't want to disappoint Day.

Day smiled, "It's okay. I always buy a pastry because I can finish it quickly and do not have to save it. If you didn't notice, let me inform you that I don't have a refrigerator here."

Mhok looked around and felt so dumb, "Oh I- "

"It's okay. I just never saw the need of one. That's why I don't have it."

"I can bring my refrigerator if you'd like." Mhok offered.

Seeing Day's confused face, Mhok explained, "I don't really use it. It's better if it's useful for someone."

Day seemed to consider his words, "Okay then. How will you bring it?"

"I have my ways." Mhok looked smug, and Day knew it even if he couldn't see.

"Alright, let's eat the cake."

Mhok agreed. The cake had been as tasty as ever.

Mhok could only wonder how a bitter man like Derek could bake such sweet dishes. The irony.

Mhok noticed that Day had cream on his mouth. No matter how carefully Day ate, he still managed to smudge some cake on his face.

Mhok's fingers itched to wipe Day's mouth, but he knew that it would be considered crossing the line. Mhok didn't want Day to feel uncomfortable around him.


Mhok's head snapped to look at Day. Mhok was still not used to this warm feeling whenever Day called him that.


"I'm going to write now." Day informed him as he stood up.

"Wait, there's cake on your face." Mhok hesitantly said.

Day scrunched his eyebrows. He hastily rubbed his hand over his mouth in embarrassment, "Is it gone?"

Mhok chuckled at that, "Yes."

"Okay then," With a smile, Day slowly began walking towards his room.

"Is it difficult to write by yourself?" Mhok looked at Day in anticipation.

Day turned around, "It is. But, I manage somehow."

"Do you perhaps," Mhok clenched his fist, "Do you need any help?"

Day smiled, "How can you help me?"

"I'll write or type whatever you say," Mhok hoped that he didn't sound stupid, "That way, you can complete your book faster."

Day blinked a couple of times, trying to decipher what Mhok actually said, "Like an amanuensis?"

Mhok's eyebrows pulled together, "Ama- what?"

Day laughed aloud, and Mhok felt at ease at that moment.

"Amanuensis is a person employed to write or type what another dictates." Day explained.

"Okay then, that's what it is." Mhok said with newfound confidence.

"I'm not going to pay you extra for this," Day joked.

Mhok added a dramatic gasp, "Exploitating your employees, aren't you?"

Day shrugged, "If you put it that way."

Mhok walked towards Day.

"Okay then. I'll be your unpaid amanuensis."

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