23. Touch The Sky

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"I'll miss this place."

Day sighed as they got in the car. Mhok glanced at the scenery in a dreamy haze.

"I will, too."

"When are we leaving?"

"We just have to get home and meet my parents before we leave. Why?"

Day put on his seat belt, "My dad called. He told me that he arranged a good publisher. So, it's going to be hectic for weeks, even months."

Mhok eyes lit up, and he beamed, "You're happy, right?"

"I am," Day nodded, "It's all a dream come true."

"That's all that matters," Mhok started the SUV, "Let's go then."

They reached Mhok's house and met his parents before they left for their home. His parents had been very supportive and optimistic about Day's book publication.

Day found a lover, completed his book, reunited with his parents, got another family, and experienced a lot of things he had never done before. He felt truly happy and blessed.

Day didn't feel lonely anymore. He didn't feel empty anymore.

With all these thoughts swirling in his mind, he didn't even notice that the car had come to a halt.

"Day," Mhok held his hand, "We've reached home."

He snapped out of his daze and got out of the car. He felt immediately calm as he entered through the front door.

It was true; nothing compared to home.

"What about Hazel?" Day voiced out the question that bugged him.

"Derek will bring him around evening."

Day nodded, "That's good."

That evening, Day was busy with calls and procedures with Mhok by his side for assistance. Even though Day felt exhausted, he was content with the way everything turned out.

It was the beginning of something new.

The procedure to publish a book was a lot more strenuous than Day imagined, but he wasn't disheartened. If anything, the hardships only fueled his will to accomplish his dream that was so close now.

The publishing company took their work very seriously, especially since Day's father had sent the proposal to them. The manuscript submission was the first thing Day had to do. His work underwent a lot of editing, all of which he consented to.

When the book design team asked their opinion about creating the book cover, Mhok greatly helped him in selecting the book cover that was suitable. Since Day didn't know what the cover looked like, he could only trust Mhok to do it. Mhok was always exceptional in whatever he did.

After weeks of their continued efforts, it was finally time.

Day was both excited and nervous at the same time. The publisher had called him earlier in the morning to have a look at the first hard copy of his book. So now he waited in the office to dissipate his tension.

He felt his hand being taken in a warm hand, which eased his heart.

"P'Mhok," He smiled in an endearing manner.

"You've got this," Mhok's eyes were full of admiration and pride as he looked at him, "I'm so proud of you."

Day's eyes felt glossy, "Let's go."

They walked into the publisher's room. A man in a fancy black suit welcomed them. It was a face they had grown accustomed to since the past few weeks. He greeted them warmly before he forwarded the book to Day.

"Here," Day felt something being kept in his hands, "Congratulations on getting your book published."

His fingers slid over the laminted cover on the book. He couldn't hear the conversation that carried on between Mhok and the publisher. He couldn't hear a single thing that happened around him.

He was in his own world. The world where he had finally achieved his ambition.

The tears that he had controlled since the morning flowed down his cheeks. Words couldn't express how happy he felt. Mhok noticed it, but he knew they were tears of happiness, so he let Day enjoy the moment.

After examining the book with his hands, he gave it to Mhok, "Take a look at this."

Mhok loved the book cover. It absolutely conveyed the content of the book without giving away a lot. It was just perfect.

His fingers slowly traced the title of the book; Touch The Sky.

Mhok had always found similarities between Day and the main character of that book. Both of them were passionate about their dreams despite their shortcomings and harsh past. Maybe Day was reflecting his own self through his writing. Maybe it was his way to cope with his life.

Mhok found his eyes water as well, "It's perfect, Day."

The publisher then went on about how his company was going to publish it on a large scale with the help of adequate marketing and promotion. Day didn't bother about the business part. It wasn't his intention.

They exited the building. The late evening atmosphere was beautiful.

"Thank you, P'Mhok." Day showed his gratitude.

Mhok smiled with teary eyes, "I'm thankful as well. You changed the trajectory of my life, and let me be a part of your dream. So, thank you, Day."

Day smiled with eyes full of love.

"How do you feel now?" Mhok asked.

Day tilted his head upwards and lifted his hand; his fingers reaching for the sky.

"I feel like I've finally touched the sky."

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