Prologue: Echoes of Stolen Dreams

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🝮︎︎︎︎︎︎ To those who resist the shadows of manipulation and stand against the theft of our memories.

🝮︎︎︎︎︎︎ To those who resist the shadows of manipulation and stand against the theft of our memories

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In the muted hush of a dimly lit apartment, a mother sat in silent vigil, watching her child sleep soundly, cradled in the blissful ignorance of innocence. Faint lights from the heart of the Metropolis filtered through tattered curtains, casting a gentle yet unsettling glow on the sweet face of the slumbering child. Tracing the contours of her child's face with a heavy heart, the mother's silent tears slid down her face as the clock whispered away the quiet hours. As the time drew near, the room grew tense, and she anxiously gripped her child's small hand in fear and anticipation.

And then it happened. As stealthy as shadows, a presence infiltrated the bedroom, concealed within the obscurity. The woman's breath caught in her throat, and she swallowed painfully, watching as the dark figure approached steadily. He wore a holographic face devoid of emotions, cold and unyielding eyes glaring from beneath the familiar hood of the elite's uniform.

"Please, have mercy," the woman pleaded, collapsing in front of the figure. Ignoring her, he approached the child's bedside, a sinister device in his hands. The room trembled with palpable tension as the malevolent device hummed to life. Horror dawned in the mother's eyes as she realised what was about to happen. Choked sobs escaped her, muffled by her trembling hand.

In the quiet of the night, the device stole pure and untainted memories, resonating with a silent hum that echoed through the room. The child's innocent laughter and the kaleidoscope of tender moments were ruthlessly snatched away, leaving only hollow echoes behind. The figure remained stoic as the child stirred, his big yellow eyes opening in confusion, attempting to touch the sleek, high-tech headsets on his head.

The mother's cries intensified, her heartache palpable in the stifling air. Unheard pleas for mercy hung in the room as the somber figure completed his malevolent task. The child, unaware of the theft, gazed at his mother curiously. Yet, the sparkle in his bright yellow eyes dimmed, replaced by a subtle emptiness that betrayed the loss of precious memories. As swiftly as he had entered, the figure retreated into the shadows, leaving the room echoing with a profound emptiness.

The mother, powerless, watched him vanish, silent tears dripping down her trembling lips. Beside her, the child closed his eyes, surrendering once more to sleep, unaware that within the shadows, he had been robbed of precious fragments of his own existence.

In the silent streets of Reminiscia, the dormant city stirred with deep wails of grief. Inhabitants mourned the vanished memories of their loved ones, lost to the insidious shadows. Those clandestine acts, concealed beneath the shroud of darkness, marked just a few of countless intrusions into the lives of the city's inhabitants. The elite, driven by an insatiable appetite for control, continued their harmful manipulation of memories.

The dance of power and memory had just begun and the elite, their faces shrouded in holographic anonymity watched from the shadows as the population drowned in the precipice of darker revelation yet to unfold.

◪ 𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾:

And here's the first chapter for Exodus Memoria!

It's my first Sci-fi/ dystopian story so I hope it'll be good! I'll put it as an original as well once I've finished writing it as a fanfic (that's if it's any good). I just thought there were not enough good quality Ateez fanfics on wattpad so here I am trying my hardest to make something good that people will like :)

Tell me what you think of the first chapter/prologue! 

ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Don't Go Insane by DPR IAN ¸♫·¯·♪¸¸♩·¯·♬¸¸

- Poppy -'ღ'-

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