3. Defiance

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"In this world, trust is a luxury we cannot afford."



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If someone had told Seonghwa that what he was about to do would change his life drastically he would have turned a blind eye and run away.

But nobody told him and he carried on unaware.

He pressed himself against the wall, his heart raced with apprehension. Why was he even here? Getting involved in anything in Reminiscia only invited trouble, whether from the elite or the Wardens.

Pained grunts echoed from the alley, making Seonghwa tense. This was trouble.

Peeking carefully around the corner, he spotted two figures wrestling. One was clearly a civilian, but the other... Seonghwa's blood ran cold. A Warden, unmistakably marked by his uniform.

Another cry of pain pierced the air as the civilian took another blow. Seonghwa bit his lip, torn between the urge to help and the instinct to flee. He couldn't raise a hand against a Warden, but he couldn't stand by and watch someone be beaten to death either...

Just then, the Warden kicked out high and hard, catching the poor man square in the chest. He dropped.

For a moment, the Warden backed away and stared at the man who lay motionless at his feet and Seonghwa wondered if the poor man was dead.

Seemingly not finished, the Warden walked back to the man's limp body and kicked him viciously in the ribs earning a pained grunt from this one as he rolled away from him.

He felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins as he watched the Warden deliver another vicious kick to the poor man who scrambled away in an attempt to avoid it.

Sweat formed on his brow as Seonghwa hesitated, his body trembling with tension as he watched the young man.

But then, in a fleeting moment, their eyes met. Time seemed to freeze as a silent understanding passed between them. In that instant, Seonghwa knew what he had to do.

With determination and fear burning in his chest, Seonghwa stepped forward, his voice ringing out.

"Enough!" he shouted, his words cutting through the tension like a knife. "Leave him alone!"

The Warden turned to face Seonghwa, his expression twisted with surprise and then rage. But Seonghwa stood his ground.

"Who do you think you are addressing, you gutter rat!" the Warden spat, his fists clenched as he advanced toward Seonghwa

But Seonghwa didn't flinch. Instead, he stood tall, his resolve unshaken. He could do this. He just had to dodge his attacks, grab the other man and escape.

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