4. The Rebels

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"If it isn't the lost little lamb wandering into the lion's den"



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Seonghwa stirred, his consciousness slowly returning as if emerging from the depths of a murky dream. The world around him felt hazy, the sounds echoing in his ears muffled and distant. He swallowed painfully, his throat feeling raw. Slowly, he became aware of voices nearby, their tones hushed by carrying a tone of urgency and tension.

"...can't just bring him here without considering the consequences," a voice murmured, filled with exasperation.

"He saved my life, Yunho," another voice replied, that Seonghwa recognized as Wooyoung, the man he had saved. "I know he's an outsider, but I believe he can help us...you should've seen how he fought that Warden. I haven't seen anything like it in a long time."

"You saw how Hongjoong reacted. We can't afford to trust strangers, especially not now," the other voice sighed.

Wooyoung's voice wavered with frustration. "I know, but..."

"You're too naive, Wooyoung," Yunho interrupted firmly. "You'll only get us into more trouble."

The room fell silent, tension thick in the air.

Seonghwa swallowed hard, his throat dry and sore. He then blinked, his vision gradually focusing on the dimly lit surroundings. He struggled to orient himself, his body feeling heavy and foreign. With a low grunt, he blinked away the lingering haze, his surroundings gradually coming into focus.

As his senses sharpened, he heard the soft gasp followed by the subtle sounds of movement, indicating that someone was approaching

"He's waking up," Wooyoung's voice whispered, tinged with concern.

Suddenly, he felt a gentle touch on his shoulder, and instinct took over. In a sudden panic, Seonghwa's hands shot out, grasping onto the first thing within reach, and before he could fully register what he was doing, he found himself gripping the person's head tightly, eliciting a startled cry.

"Wooyoung!" an alarmed voice rang out.

But Seonghwa heard no more, lost in a whirlwind of sensation, the floodgate opening once again and the memories surging through his mind.

Run, Wooyoung! Hide!" a woman shouted, her face torn in distress.

Seonghwa watched as a little boy-Wooyoung darted across the room, seeking refuge in a nearby cupboard. He squeezed himself into the cramped space, his breath coming in shallow gasps as he fought to stifle his sobs of panic.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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