8:The Mask

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Makoto wakes up from her sleep. She brushes her teeth and cleans up her house a bit until she suddenly hears some steps coming from her room. Kukiyona is back in her house.

Makoto: Is there another Mission?

Kukiyona: Indeed Makoto. Come with me.

Kukiyona opens a Portal in her living room.

Makoto: And why should i come with you?

Kukiyona: We agreed on this.

Makoto: Yes but a bit of friendliness would be nice.

Kukiyona tries to force a smile which looks very hopeless.

Kukiyona: Please?

Makoto has to hold back her laughter.

Makoto: Ok fine.

The two go through the portal and end up in a big open rocky area.

Kukiyona: Do you remember that i told you about your powers?

Makoto: Yes you gave me some powers. Will we train?

Kukiyona: Yes indeed. I gave you powers that even match the destrucrive power of us gods if you get enough and very good training.

Makoto: Whaaat? That strong? How do i use them?

Kukiyona: To activate your powers you will have to feel any emotion very strongly. It doesn't matter which one you choose but focus on one and imagine a situation where you would feel it an intense amount

Makoto closes her eyes and thinks which emotion she should choose but she finds it hard to focus on a single one. In the end she chooses fulfillment and imagines how happy and complete she feels with her friends by her side. Fulfillment is flowing through Makotos whole body and then it happens. Suddenly glowing white particles appear under Makotos feet and fly up to her face until they form a mask which only has black eye holes and only on one eye a stream of blackness is dripping down. The rest of the particles fly to her hand to create a sword which looks simular to a katana. Suddenly Makoto flies with incredible speed towards Kukiyona and tries to cut his arm but Kukiyona was prepared and already had a wrist guard under his coat.

Kukiyona: This is incredible. Such speed and such strenght...i have never seen anything like this.

Makoto pulls away her sword and hits Kukiyona in the leg but he also has protection there so it only goes through his clothing with ease.

Kukiyona: But still a bit unstable and you cannot control that Form yet.

Makoto seems startled but quickly takes another action to pull away her sword and try to cut his throat but Kukiyona dodges under it and then takes Makotos hand where her sword is in. He then strenghtens his grip on it so Makoto drops the sword and she goes back a few steps. Then she goes back into attacking Kukiyona with her bare hands. She moves them so fast that she could easily slice a tree in half. Kukiyona dodges all of Makotos attempts and leads her to a rock where she accidentally hits her hand against. This stops Makoto and the mask fades back into particles aswell as the sword and all particles return back into the ground.

Makoto: What the hell happened? Why is my hand on a Rock? And why is there a crack where my hand is? Don't tell me i did that??

Kukiyona: You did that and you are already very strong but you still lack the ability to be conscious and control it and of course you lack fighting skills but after some training you will become even better than some gods in your fighting abilities.

Makoto: You really think so?

Kukiyona: Yes im positive you will achieve this.

Makoto: Can we please train some more right now?

Kukiyona: Yes. Again focus strongly on an emotion.

Makoto focuses again on fulfillment and the mask and sword appear again. She holds the sword ready for a heavy attack and then she moves in to hit Kukiyona with that attack. Some small rocks fly away and dust settles in the air because of the pure strenght that attack had but Kukiyona was able to block it with a dagger. Makoto goes back some steps and then goes in for his legs but he flies up just enough so it misses him.

Kukiyona: You have to be quicker than that.

He was never really challenged in a fight so this was kind of exciting for Kukiyona. Makoto manages to strike Kukiyona into his arm but it hits his wrist guard again. He then goes in for an attack of his own. He slashes across Makotos mask and it breaks aswell as her sword. All Makoto sees is Kukiyona holding a dagger above her face. She backs away.

Makoto: What happened?

Kukiyona puts away his dagger.

Kukiyona: As you transformed again you attacked me and i defended myself. I believe after a bit more transforming you will gain consciousness but firstly you will have to rest a bit so your at full strenght again.

Makoto: Yes that's probably a good idea.

They return back to the dark library through a portal.

Kukiyona: Come with me.

The two go into a corridor and at the end of it is a door which they go through. It looks just like a typical bedroom and is in colors like beige and white instead of the dark colors that everything else in this building has.

Kukiyona: This is your room. It will be easier to get to missions if you stay here and you will also be safer here but of course you can also return to your home. The decision lies in you.

Makoto thinks for a long time but ultimately decides.

Makoto: I will stay here but only for one night for now.

Kukiyona: Thank you.

Kukiyona goes out of the room leaving Makoto alone in her new own bedroom. She lies in the bed still thinking about her training until she dozes off into sleep.

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