1:In search of change

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It's a day like any other for Makoto, she wakes up, makes herself ready, goes to school and after that goes home to play videogames and prays. This was her usual routine for the past 5 years and even though she enjoys the time with her friends, Makoto does get bored of always having the same routine. She gets up for another day and makes herself ready. Makoto looks at the clock and sees that she still has some time so she decides to sit a bit on her couch and think. "Today is going to be the Day i change something" Makoto thinks to herself but she realizes that she doesn't know how. She chooses to ask her friends at school if they have any ideas and so Makoto goes to school. Once she arrives in the school, Makoto goes to her class and sits down at her desk. One of her bestfriends is already there.
Ayeka: Hi Makoto. How are ya?

Makoto: Yes good how about you Ayeka?

Ayeka: Nothin' really changed from yesterday so good like always.

Makoto: You could just say good.

Makoto laughs and Ayeka also starts laughing. Then the third member of the group comes in but there is something different about her.

Ayeka: Good morning Hanabi. What did you do with your hair?

Hanabi: Oh i decided to color it again. Last time i colored it, was very long ago.

Makoto: Even though it's very special pastel pink suits you Hanabi.

Hanabi: Oh thank you Makoto.

Hanabi blushes slightly and takes a seat next to her friends. Makoto looks at her two friends. They both couldn't be more different. Hanabi takes alot of time towards her clothing choices and always aims to look cute and sweet and Ayeka is more of the tomboy-ish type who doesn't care that much with her clothes and wants to be cool. Makoto herself is something inbetween maybe that's the reason that this friend group works that well.

Ayeka: Hanabi what have ya been up to lately except coloring ya hair?

Hanabi: Uhhm not much except what we always do honestly.

Ayeka: I see.

The teacher comes in.

Teacher: Lets begin with todays first lesson Class. Math.

Everyone is sighing out loud. The teacher gives a paper with some math problems to everyone. Makoto begins with her math Problems. While she is busy she starts thinking. How is she going to change this routine once and for all? She still can't think of any good ways so she still waits until the break comes so she can ask her friends. In her daydream she accidentally starts drawing something on her paper. She doesn't notice this until she hears Ayeka whisper to her.

Ayeka: That's a sick drawing Makoto. How did ya get that idea?

Makoto looks at her paper and she accidentally drew a female anime character that wears a black school uniform, has black hair that's a bit longer and wears headphones. Makoto only colored the eyes in a bright pink. She is impressed how she was able to draw this without even thinking.

Makoto: I don't know. I just started daydreaming and accidentally drew this.

Ayeka: Can ya teach me that? That's really cool.

Makoto: I can try in the break.

Ayeka: Thanks Makoto. I owe ya one.

Both of them continue with their math problems until the lesson ends and the break finally begins. The three friends go to their usual spot on the school grounds. A small bench at the corner of the school. They like this Spot because there are rarely other people there. The three sit down on the bench and get out their lunches. Hanabi has some rice shaped and drawn with some sauce to look like a cat. Ayeka has a bread with peanutbutter. Makoto herself has a bit of sushi. While they eat Makoto begins.

Makoto: Did you two ever think that it's just too boring recently?

Ayeka: Ya mean life?

Makoto: Yes.

Hanabi: I like my life more boring than exciting. I don't like when it's too much new stuff and too tiring.

Ayeka: Where does this suddenly come from Makoto?

Makoto: Well...my life has been really boring lately. Don't get me wrong i love spending time with you two but i really need some change in my life.

Ayeka: I get what ya mean. I know how to fix that.

Hanabi: Please don't pull out one of those ritual thingys that you like to do.

Ayeka: It's not ghostly rituals it's godly rituals and besides. Do ya have a better idea Hanabi?

Hanabi: Makoto you could also color your hair or we could have matching outfits.

Ayeka: That's only a temporary solution that's only gonna get some attention at the start but then everything's gonna be back to normal. Praying to another god is a real solution.

Makoto: Ayeka is kind of right about that but we can still wear matching Outfits from time to time.

Hanabi: Yaaaaay

Ayeka: So ready to hear my idea?

Makoto: Yes tell me.

Ayeka: Ya should switch from praying to Saigo to praying to Kukiyona. I've heard that praying to him makes ya life change.

Makoto: I have not heard of Kukiyona yet.

Ayeka: Well he is a god that's rather unknown to the public but he's the god of Nihilism and praying to him is supposed to make ya life more interesting.

Makoto: I guess i will try that. Thank you Ayeka.

Ayeka: Always there for ya Makoto.

Makoto now finally knows what to do so she can change her life but she is still a bit uncertain and scared that this maybe angers Saigo who Makoto has been praying to her whole life.

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