9:Real test of strenght

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Makoto wakes up from a very comfortable sleep. Suprisingly she slept way better than how she sleeps at home. She gets ready and leaves the room. It's still a bit weird to wake up here but she goes through the corridor into the big library. It's very suprising for Makoto when she finds Kukiyona at a stove right in the library where he is cooking.

Makoto: W-what?? How??

Kukiyona: Do you want some bacon?

Makoto: I am very confused but yes...

Makoto sits down at a table beside it and waits until Kukiyona is done cooking. He puts the bacon on two plates that seemingly come out of nowhere and puts them on the table. He then also sits and they start eating. Makoto is still very confused by all this but decides to move on. After some time Makoto decides to ask a question that has been in her mind for some time now.

Makoto: So Kukiyona...what exactly is this place?

Kukiyona: This is my realm. Every god has a realm of their own and every realm is specialized to where that god feels the most comfortable at. It's a private space for the god that it belongs to and only people can enter which have been granted permission by that god so it's a big honor to be granted permission.

Makoto: Oh i didn't know. Thank you a lot for giving me permission. But why do all of this? Why do you trust me so much?

Kukiyona: I told you that you are special and secondly you are the key to my research. Without you i wouldn't be able to complete my research. You also have a kind heart so i know you wouldn't betray me.

Makoto: Have i already helped?

Kukiyona: You have already helped me a lot. When we fought i finally felt a rush of adrenaline. Even though it was only very vague it was a big improvement.

Makoto: Im glad that i can help.

Kukiyona: How about we train further? You are making great progress for your transformation.

Makoto: Yes sure.

They stand up from the table and Kukiyona opens a Portal. They go through it and arrive at the big open rocky area again.

Kukiyona: We will do the same thing as before. Focus on an emotion and try your best to gain consciousness.

Makoto: I don't know how but i will try.

Makoto makes the mask and sword appear and starts attacking Kukiyona again. How it looks like she learned from the first training because Makoto doesn't try and hit Kukiyona at his legs and arms and instead tries to stab him in the chest. Kukiyona dodges to the side and grabs Makotos wrist. He puts some strenght in the grip so Makoto drops the sword. Makoto and Kukiyona retreat some steps before going in again. Makoto tries to hit Kukiyona with her bare hands but Kukiyona is able to dodge all of it until suddenly Makoto summons the sword from the ground to her hand and manages to make a small cut on Kukiyonas cheek. Of course you can't see Kukiyonas suprise but it can be felt that he did not expect that. He takes the sword and smashes it into Makotos mask which makes it break away. As Makoto sees the cut on Kukiyonas cheek she is more than suprised.

Makoto: W-was i really able to...to cut you?

Kukiyona: Yes. How it looks like i can fight a bit more serious.

Makoto: That is a lot of progress right?

Kukiyona: Yes it is.

Out of nowhere they hear a heavy Wind seemingly coming towards them. As they look a girl in Makotos age wearing a suit and with orange hair is flying towards them. She is creating wind currents from her hands to make her fly. She arrives right infront of them and slowly levitates down onto the ground.

?: You are the ones aren't you?

Kukiyona: What is it that you mean?

?: Who destroyed our beautiful city. Hideo helped you escape didn't she?

Makoto: How did you know?

?: None of your business. You are not refusing that so you two are the culprits.

Kukiyona: It looks like we can't clear this up the peaceful way. Makoto now is your Chance.

Makoto transforms herself and seemingly instantly goes in to fight. The girl is very suprised by that but reacts just enough so she only gets a not so deep cut on her shoulder. The girl uses a Wind blast to blow away Makoto and keep her at distance. Her expression turns a bit angered even though her face has a simular expressionless to Kukiyonas. The girl swings up her arms holds them for a moment and swings downwards. Makoto dodges and behind her a rock bursts into peaces from that wind attack. Makoto goes back into the offense and tries stabbing the girl in the stomach. She pushes Makotos sword to the side with an air blast but the sword still slashes her in the side. It can obviously be seen that the girl is just as inexperienced in combat as Makoto herself but because of the transformation Makoto is more bloodlust driven than that girl. This time she uses a Wind blast to push Makoto to the ground which works out. Makoto tries drawing closer but can't because of the force of the Wind that pushes her down. With her other hand the girl summons another wind slash right on Makoto which cuts her back injuring her enough. Kukiyona now steps in.

Kukiyona: That is enough.

?: No you are next.

Kukiyona: I do not believe that you are this arrogant.

Kukiyona just stands there waiting for the girls first attack. She gets into a fighting pose, waits and fires off two wind slices toward Kukiyona. He simply stands still and as the wind slices hit him nothing happens.

?: How did you do this? Didn't that girl manage to cut you?

Kukiyona: Yes. I held back in the fight with her and i am way more skilled with difusing magic than actual weapons. Tell me. What is your name?

?: My name is Yumi Kagome and this is not the last time we will meet.

Yumi flies away leaving Kukiyona and Makoto to themselfs again. Kukiyona picks up Makoto and carries her through a portal into his realm. There he lies her on a couch and gives her a dark blue potion. She drinks it and the stinging pain in her back slowly fades. Kukiyona wraps a bandage around her back. Even though her wound is not healed it won't hurt anymore and it won't bleed anymore.

Kukiyona: Rest well. Tomorrow i will send you back to your home to recover even better.

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