Chapter 12 Pt1

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I was horribly wrong when I thought that everything was going to be better. That next day, two more dinosaurs had died, and one of them was a Pteranodon. I'm seriously starting to doubt that this is a virus. Another video had shown that someone was there, so now all we have I do is catch the person responsible for these killings. Even though the tapes didn't show much, I still had high hopes of catching this twat bag. 

Everyone had been on guard, especially Owen. Not that I was complaining, it was nice to spend time with him. Since we were always working, it was hard to actually see each other.

"Um... Miss Erin?" A small voice spoke up from behind him.

I turned around and saw a young girl standing behind me with a clipboard in her hands.

"Yes?" I asked as I crossed my arms and rose an eyebrow.

"H-here are the stats that y-you asked for." The girl squeaked out and handed me the clipboard.

I gently took the clipboard from her and gave her a smile while I nodded my head.

"What's your name?"

"A-alice, Ma'am." She stuttered as she wrapped her arms around herself.

"Alice, please call me Erin." I smiled and put I a reassuring hand on to her shoulder.

She gave me a shy smile and nodded her head as she looked down to the ground.

"How long have you worked here?" I questioned her as I looked over the clipboard.

"I c-came when the last g-group did." She replied and she looked back up at me.

"Really? How come I've never seen you before?" I asked her as I sat down on a bench.

"You're always w-working out here, I work i-in the labs."

She seemed like a sweet girl, but she was really shy. I think if we introduced her to some more people, she might open up a bit.

"Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?" I asked gently and I grabbed her hand.

Her head shot up and she frantically shook her head. "O-oh no, I can't."

"Why not?"

"I'm just n-not really good around p-people."

"I'm sure you'll be fine." I gave her a soft smile and stood up. There was no way in hell that I was taking no for an answer.

"I'll pick you up at 6:45, see you later." I waved goodbye to her before I jogged off to my jeep.

The clipboard that Alice handed me had the information on the Parasaurolophus we released a month back. They seemed to be growing well, but I still had to keep an eye out. If that person got a hold of my babies, shit was gonna go down.

*Owen POV*

"Hey! Eyes on me!" I exclaimed as I held my hand out and clicked my tongue a few times.

I was trying to work with the newer Raptors today, and I think it was going fairly well. Buck, a red-tinted Raptor let out a hiss and snapped at his sister, Sky. Sky had bright green eyes and light blue spots running along her back. Their was also Chance, the runt of the three. Chance had a yellow strip on his side, and he was born with a smaller claw then the rest.

"Buck! Stop it!" I hit the clicker a few times and they looked at me, tilting their heads to the side before hissing again.

I kept my hand out as I walked along the overpass. They followed my led and turned their bodies to face me as I walked. I finally reached down into a hanging bucket and grabbed a dead rat, holding it up for them to see. They all perked up and I threw the rat in the air towards Sky, later doing the same for Buck and Chance.

I then waved my hand into the air and a squealing pig ran out and the three chased after it.

"They did good." Barry praised as he clapped me on the back with a smile on his face.

I nodded my head and looked back down at the cage. We have made a lot of progress today. My phone suddenly rang and I looked at the I.D, it was Erin.

"Hey, babe." I answered as I walked away from Barry.

"Hey, do you mind if invite someone over?" She asked.

I stopped walking and a frown came to my face. Why would she want someone over?

"Who were you thinking of?"

"A new worker, her name is Alice."

I let out a sigh of relief and rubbed a hand over my face. I really need to stop worrying. It's even annoying my a bit.

"I don't mind. Why?" I asked and looked back when Barry called my name.

I waved him off and turned back around.

"Well, Alice seems really shy, and I wanted her to get to know more people."

"Sure, do you need me to do anything?"

"No, I'll be cooking tonight so don't worry." She stated and I heard a noise in the back ground.

"Sorry, I've got to go!" She exclaimed and hurriedly hung up.

Wow, this must seem really important if she's cooking tonight. Erin rarely cooks, but when she does, she goes all out! And its amazing!


"What!" I yelled as I turned around with an annoyed look on my face.

"Buck is acting up again!"

I let out a sigh and jogged back to the cage. If only Buck acted like Echo, or Delta. I quickly shook my head. I couldn't compare them, Buck was only still young.

One thing I was a bit excited about though, was getting to eat whatever Erin was going to be cook tonight!


I'm dedicating this chapter to a lovely person... lovelymaddiegurl980 is an awesome writer and you all need to check out her account!!

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