Chapter 25

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If you can see the photo, it's of Erin's parents ---->

Time skip

Erin POV

The plane soon landed and we got out, I grabbed Owens hand as we walked. We went to the baggage claim and, surprisingly, we found our bags fairly quick. I put my carry-on bag over my shoulder and lifted up my other giant bag, setting it down next to me.

I followed Owen as he walked out into the lobby, and stopped when I heard my name being called.

"Erin!" I whirled around, looking for the caller, and soon spotted my mom running towards me.

I gave Owen an exasperated looked and dropped my bags, opening my arms up. My mom pulled me into a bone crushing hug and swung me back and forth. Owen looked at me with an amused expression, which soon disappeared as my dad walked up. Mom set me back down and I then ran to my dad.

"Daddy!" I exclaimed as I jumped into his welcoming arms. "I missed you!"

"My sweet baby girl." He mumbled and $4 set me down. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm totally fine." I told him as I gave him a smile.

"You been taking care of her?" Dad looked at Owen with a stern look.

"Yes sir." Owen nodded confidently.

"Dad." I started and I put my hand on to his shoulder, giving him a light pushed. "Everything is fine. Owen has been watching—"

"Oh my!" Mom suddenly exclaimed and she put a hand to her mouth.

We all jumped and turned to her with surprised loooks.

"Mom, what's wrong?" I asked as I took a step forward in concern.

"It's beautiful!" She grabbed my left hand and yanked me forward.

"What is she..." Dad trailed off as he saw the ring on my finger.

His eyes hardened and he looked up with narrowed eyes. "When did this happen?" He asked. "And why was I not informed?"

I sheepishly rubbed my neck. "A few weeks ago." I replied as I let out a nervous laugh.

"And you didn't think to tell us?!" Mom exclaimed and she pulled my hand again, almost yanking my arm kit of socket.

Dad looked at Owen and narrowed his eyes. "We have something to discuss." He pointed a finger at Owen.

Owen nervously gulped and stiffly nodded his head.

"Oh shush." Mom slapped dad's shoulder and she pulled Owen in for a hug. "Welcome to the family."

Owen looked at me for help but I shook my head and laughed. He didn't help me out, so I'm not gonna help him. Man, revenge is sweet.

"Come on." Mom let go of Owen and turned around, clapping her hands. "Let head home."

Mom quickly walked to the truck and I grabbed my bags, following after her. After Owen and I got our bags into the truck, we climbed in the back and dad drove us home. Mom twisted in her seat and looked back at me.

"And sweetie, we need to talk about your wedding." She stated and she squealed in her seat. "So exciting!"

I looked down in embarrassment and I leaned my head against Owens shoulder. He grabbed my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Boy, mom was going bust my case about this wedding.


I let out a groaned and fell lazily on to the couch. Das had just dropped Owen off at our apartment once we got home, but I went with mom, which was a horrible idea.

"Was it that bad?" Owen asked as he walked up behind me, placing his hands on to my shoulders.

"Yeah." I mumbled as I leaned my head back.

Owen gently began to massage my shoulders and I soon felt most of the muscle me in my body relax.

"God, I really needed this." I groaned and I let out a sigh of content. "That feels really good."

Owen leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to my lips. I brought a hand up and held it to his cheek. I opened my eyes when he pulled away and smiled.

"Thank you." I mumbled as I closed my eyes again.

He hummed in response and I stood up, walking to the room. I fell on to the bed and stuffed my head into the pillow. Owen pressed a kiss to my head again and pulled the covers over me.

"Sleep tight." He mumbled as he pulled the curtains over the windows to block the sun.

I snuggled deeper into the bed and let out another  sigh. I really needed a nap, and I didn't ever want to wake up. If I did, I'd have to face my mom!

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