Chapter 28

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GIANT WARING: This chapter contains mature(ish) stuff. So please proceed with caution. You can consider it smut or whatever. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!! Also,

Once we got to the apartment, I quickly unlocked the door and headed to the kitchen for a glass of water.

"You can go get changed." I told Owen as I brought the glass to my lips. "Wait for me in there."

Owen smirked as he walks up behind me and he lightly grazed a hand over my hip, leaving it to rest on my waist. I turned to him and matched his expression. "Eager are we?" He asks.

"Me?" I laughed, running my hand up the arm that held me, to rest on his broad shoulder as I moved closer, the gap between us getting shorter. "You're the one who's been undressing me with your eyes all night."

"Well, that I can't deny." He murmured, bringing his other hand up to splay on the side of my head, his thumb dragging back and forth over my bottom lip, making it tingle.

My breath quickly shortens as I looked up into his deep, beautiful eyes. He bit his lip and desire immediately floods my body watching his plump lip slide between his teeth. I surge forward capturing his mouth with my own.

His warm lips spread over mine, pushing and pulling. He parts from me swiftly to throw an arm under my legs and around my back, lifting me up to carry me towards our room. I giggled as he reattached his lip to mine as soon as I'm in his arms, and my need began growing as his tongue darts out to massage mine.

I take this time as an opportunity to run my hands through his light hair, tugging gently on the ends so he growls into my mouth. He catches my bottom lip between his teeth and pulls softly before swooping back in to kiss me passionately.

My body felt like it was fine tuned to notice the smallest touches and feelings he was building inside of me. He runs his mouth along my jaw to my neck, leaving little marks all along my skin. I tip my head back, eyes closed as I let him completely work me over.

"Open the door." He mumbles into my neck and I realized that we'd finally reached the bedroom door.

Feeling nervous excitement burst in my stomach, I quickly threw the door open. He strides over to the bed and throws me down unceremoniously, crawling on top of me to latch on to my mouth again.

"You've been driving me crazy all night." He growls into my mouth before pulling back, his hot breath ghosts over my lips as he lingers just above my mouth and gazes at me with lidded eyes.

He places a searing kiss on my lips and sits up as he rips his suit coat and shirt off, hovering over me. I start to ache as I looked over his taught muscles that bunched and rippled as he ran his hands up my sides.

He grins at the low whine I made when he just grazes over my breasts, moving his hands back up to undo the zipper of my dress. He smashes his lips to mine as he pulls me up, sliding the dress of and lowering me back on to the bed.

He breaks away and looks at me with hungry eyes before running his eyes over my body. He pauses before pulling my underwear off to join my dress and smirks at the red lacy design. I let out a laugh as he quirks an eyebrow but it peters out when he starts kissing over my hips.

He wraps his hands around my knees and drags me so that I'm pressed firmly against the front of his pants, the material grazing against my sensitive skin. His encases my mouth with his, his tongue swiping across mine languidly as he rolls his hips against mine.

We were both panting and gasping into each other's mouths as our bodies pressed and rub together. I moved my hand to his pants, starting to undo the button as I soon decided he was wearing entirely too much clothing, but his hands catch my wrists, holding them above my head.

He pulls away to smirk at me again and I feel a thrill of excitement run through my body as he holds me down.

"Wait for it." He mutters, squeezing my wrists gently.

He kisses a line up my stomach, between the valley of my breasts and to my collarbones where he nips at the skin gently. My hands fist in the sheets and the burning in my gut becomes too much as he slips a finger between the folds.

I try to lace my hands in his hair and he stops me again, hand leaving my heat which makes me whine. "Behave." He smirks as he holds my hands down again. But he'd already taken me too far to try any more of that dominant crap.

Wrapping my legs tight around his hips I roll the two of us so I'm now straddling his waist. I grind myself down into the growing bulge in his pants and savour the look of pleasure that crosses his face.

"But it's so much more fun when I don't." I smirked and whispered silkily.

I attach my lips to his and push my body closer to his, earning a pleasured moan in response. He pushes our hips tougher and flips us so he's on top again and pins my hands down. He removed his lips and starts to leave open mouth kisses down my jaw and neck.

I let out a gasp and leaned my head back, exposing my neck more as he bites and kisses on one little spot. I move my fingers to his belt buckle and undo it, unbuttoning his pants and unzipping his pants.

I shimmy the pants down his legs and he sits so they can be pulled off completely, joining the growing pile of clothes on the floor. I tugged at the hem of his boxers, pulling them off swiftly.

Just for not wanting to go into anymore detail, Owen was completely and absolutely right when he send I would be sleeping ... eventually.


I know that I am a completely horrible and mean person on ending it like this, BUT THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER!!

I am so grateful for all of the wonderful readers! And I want to give a shoutout to Panda_Kyo for making the amazing cover!!

But do not worry, there will be a third book, and the first chapter will be up sometime soon!! I hope that you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!!

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