Chapter 12 Pt2

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*Erin POV*

Okay, it was 5:30, so I had a about an hour and fifteen minutes to make dinner. I decided on making Taco Soup with a Deep Dish Cookie Pie for desert. After giving myself a mental pep talk, I quickly got out my crockpot and plugged it in.

I then got out three cans of tomatoes and put them in, after that I put in two cans of black beans. I added two cans of corn and two cups of water to that. I added in one Tbsp. of my secret taco seasoning and I put the lid over top, leaving the crockpot to heat up.

I then turned on the oven and got to work on the cookie pie. This was going to take a while.

*Owen POV*

"Are you sure this was from today?" I asked as I looked at the video with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yeah." Lowery nodded. "Someone said that they saw a person sneak away from Pachy Arena."

"What do you think they did?" I questioned and I scratched my head as I continued to watch the tape.

"We don't know yet." Lowey shrugged and typed in something else. "We're just going to keep an eye out on the Pahcye- Pahcyeph-"

"Pahcyephalosaurus." I finished for him and I gave him an amused look.

Lowery nodded and he pointed to another video that he had brought up. I leaned down and looked at it, seeing that there was a small herd of Pahcyephaosaurus. I nodded my head and glanced down at my watch. 6:30.

"Thanks. Call me if something comes up." I clapped Lowery on the back before hurrying out of the control room.

*Alice POV*

I wrapped my arms around myself and looked at a big clock outside of the lab. Erin would be here any minute to pick me up. I didn't necessarily agree to having dinner with her, but she was so stubborn. A horn suddenly honked and I jumped, but I soon saw Erin pulling up in her jeep.

I hurriedly climbed into her jeep and buckled up before she took off again.

"Sorry I'm a little late." She apologized and looked at me in the rearview mirror. " I had to pick someone up."

Just then, I noticed that there was another person in here with us.

"Alice, this is Daniel."

Daniel looked back and grinned at me. My eyes slightly widened and I looked away as blush slowly crept onto my face.

"I hope that you guys are hungry, because I think I made to much." Erin let out a laugh and looked at us.

"I hope so, I'm starved." Daniel joined laughing with her and looked back at me. "How about you?"

"Um, y-yeah." I nodded and I lightly bit my lip. "I'm a bit h-hungry."

Erin smiled softly at me and looked forward again, making sure to avoid any rocks or branches. I really do hope that this dinner goes well.

*Erin POV*

Once we made it back to our apartment, I let them in and King immediately 'attacked' them. He let out a series of happy barks to see new people and he jumped on them. Daniel bent down and rubbed King behind the ear, while just Alice stood there awkwardly.

"Alice, can you help me with something?" I asked her as I waved my hand to follow me.

She turned to me and nodded her head, quickly making her way over to me. She followed me into the kitchen and I showed her where the glasses were. We set the table and I looked done at my watch. Owen should be here soon.

"Honey, I'm home!"

I let out a laugh and walked into the living room to see Owen standing in the door way with a smile on his face.

"Hey." I greeted with a smile and peaking his lips before giving him a hug.

"Hey." He smiled back and kissed my cheek.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the dining room, sitting him down on to a chair. Alice and Daniel soon followed and I put the crockpot in the middle of the table. Once every one had gotten their own bowl, I tried to make a conversation.

"Owen, you remember Daniel." I said, motioning to the young man seated next to Alice.

Owen looked up from his bowl and glanced at Daniel only briefly before nodding his head.


"Okay, well this is Alice." I told him and smacked his hand when we went for a third piece of bread.

"It's nice to meet you, Alice." Owen held out his hand and she shook it.

"Y-you to, Mr.Grady." Alice quietly replied, looking aback down at her half eaten food.

After that, there was a very awkward silence. The only sound you could hear was the sound of people eating and King begging for food. Owens phone suddenly rang and he gave a sheepish smile before answering. A frown appeared on his face and he let out a sigh before hanging up.

"That was Barry, Buck is acting up again." He stated and he stood up, grabbing his bowl. He set it on the kitchen counter and turned to me with a sad smile.

"I'm sorry." He apologized before he placed a kiss on to the top of my head. "I've got to go."

I looked after him as he walked out and let out a sigh of defeat. I turned back to Daniel and Alice and saw that they were watching me, so I put a smile on to my face and grabbed a knife.

"So," I said. "Who wants desert?"

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