Chapter 1: Gotcha!

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It's a quiet night in Japan, city lights sparkling, wind blowing, birds chirping and a masked protector fighting off a monster.

Wait what?

We see a masked costumed guy fighting off a monster. The guy was wearing blue armor on his body and legs with a black under suit. His chest armor has a steamed train motif while his helmet has a grasshopper motif while having arrowed shaped orange bug eyes.

This is Kamen Rider Gotchard. And he is fighting off a monster called a Malgam. This Malgam was having a mantis motif, this is the Mantis Malgam.

The two were having a battle in a silent park, away from civilians. Kamen Rider Gotchard punched the Mantis Malgam, causing it to be knocked back. He then took out a unique looking gun, this is the Gotcharge Gun.

Gotchard then removes a card from his belt device, the Gotchardriver and swipes it on top of the Gotcharge Gun and inserts inside of it.


He then pointed toward the Malgam and fired at it.

Gotchargic Buster!

The damage that the Malgam received was enough for Gotchard to kill it.

The dust clears and the Malgam is defeated, leaving a creature on the ground. Gotchard walked towards the creature and took out a blank card as it leviates into it. Forming a new card.

Gotchard looked at it, "Kamantis, huh? Get some rest, my Chemy friend."

Like that, he undoes his transformation and reverts back to his normal human state. He's a 16 year old boy, wearing a normal blue shirt with a black jacket robe around him, dawning normal jeans and a phone in his. His name is Shrewin, just Sherwin, no last name.

The creature he just put into a card is called a Chemy. Chemys are miraculous monsters born from alchemy. Some of the Chemies are a bit cranky, but they are actually very nice. If you get through to them, they'll become your friends.

Sherwin looks at the time on his phone, displaying the time as 9 pm. "9 pm, huh? Well, time to head home. I promised to visit Doctor Amamiya and help out a bit tomorrow. "

His Chemy partner and friend, Hopper-1, flies out of its Chemy card and decides to fly next to Sherwin as they head home. "Tomorrow might be a big day, Hopper-1. Who knows what will happen, maybe the usual or something exciting. Maybe something unexpected and we may meet someone new."

"Hopper!" Hopper-1- cried out, excitedly agreeing with its friend.

And just like that, they headed home.

The Next Day,

It's 6 am in the morning and Sherwin is still sleeping on his bed. Hopper-1 sees him and knows it's time for him to get up. So Hopper-1 decides to wake him up in a questionable sense.


Hopper-1 flew out of its Chemy card and started pummeling on Sherwin, causing him to yell and jolt up in pain. "Augh! Hopper-1, how many times have I told NOT to wake me up like that?!"

"Hopper Hopper!"

"Hmm?" Sherwin looks at the time and he remembers it's the day to visit his old friend. "Oh yeah, today's the day. But still, you shouldn't wake me up like that."


"No, no, you're right. I'm sorry, I would prefer you to wake me up than Steamliner crashing into me and onto the wall again." Sherwin reluctantly agreed with his Chemy friend.

Sherwin finally got out of bed, washed up and got ready for the day. He grabbed his bag, inside, is his Gotchardriver and his Chemy cards. "C'mon, Hopper-1. Let's go." He says as he takes out a blank Chemy Card.

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