Chapter 2: Tune Up Valvarad!

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The next day in the hospital, Sherwin and Dr Amamiya were talking with Ai and her manager, Ichigo. "Alright let's get down to business. Ai have you thought about it?" Sherwin asked Ai. Ai smiled and nodded. She had thought about it and she trusts Sherwin, not completely yet but there was something about Sherwin that intrigued her.

Dr Amamiya sighed in relief, grateful for Sherwin to talk to her. "Good. Now, as a start, you should use an assumed name here at the hospital. And in a case like yours for giving birth, a cesarean section will likely be necessary." Dr Amamiya starts to explain, "If one of your baby's skulls is large, it'll be tough but it's common for someone with your build for the pelvis to not open enough."

"Oh really?" said Ai.

"Doctor, aren't there any other options? A scar on her belly will spell trouble for her job. And should we be talking about this in front of someone like him?" He asked as he pointed towards Sherwin.

Sherwin just gave a deadpan stare at Ichigo, unamused by his assumptions in his thoughts, "Dude, I'm not that kind of person. I'm here to help her, not to harm her. If you think I'm lying, you can leave."

Ichigo just clicked his tongue in frustration. Dr Amamiya spoke up trying to calm them down, "Alright, alright settle down. I have known Sherwin for a while and he's helped me do these things before. I trust him. Plus it's a painless delivery but sophrology...well..."

Ai then interrupted, "Whatever's fine. I feel super healthy. I'll be fine."

Sherwin then smiled and looked at Ichigo, "See, she's fine. I bet she can handle it. She looks strong for a natural delivery"

Ai agreed with Sherwin, "He's right. I mean, they're my kids right? Then I should be fine. They're sure to be attractive and have small faces." Ai put her hands on her cheeks and gave a cute smile.

Meanwhile somewhere....

A Malgam was running away in a forest from something. It tripped and was about to get up only for it to be stomped into the ground. An armored person with a purple upper body armor and black lower armor with a helmet with a wrench face on the left side of it.

"Those who don't have virtues...." The armored guy just raised his wrench like sword and activated it to glow, slashing the Malgam on the ground, destroying it.

Valara Break!

"Will be destroyed by me, Valvarad."

Back in the hospital.

Ai and Ichigo spent all the time at the hospital as Sherwin and Dr Amamiya were helping them and getting along with them. Dr Amamiya vowed to protect her family and take care of her.

'Perhaps I became a doctor for this very moment. I'll see that they're delivered as safely and surely as possible. I vow to protect your family, Ai. And I'm sure you'd be a good friend to Sherwin just like her.'

'Lies are love. I've come to see that phrase in a good light - stars truly are amazing.'

Meanwhile Sherwin has been spending the entire time slowly getting to know Ai. Ai got to know Sherwin a lot but not on a personal level as Sherwin decides not to share about his whole past and his obviously, not tell her about being a Kamen Rider nor about the Chemys. But Sherwin always talked to Ai on how he tries to live life to the fullest, making the best of it. "Life is too short for a lot of problems. We try to make the best of it and make those memories really good. Whenever I face trouble, I face it head on."

Ai is very intrigued by Sherwin's cheerful personality. In the distance, Dr Amamiya was looking happy to see Sherwin be his cheerful self again, knowing after Sarina's passing, he thought Sherwin would be lost but he's glad to see this side of him again.

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