Chapter 3: I Got'cha back!

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Gotchard summons a cyclone and sends it to Valvarad, with green energy sickles flying towards him at the same time.

However, Valvarad was not fazed by this as he pressed a trigger on his Valvarusher.

Valvara Break!

Valvarad summoned an apparition of Madwheel before sending purplish-black, X-shaped energy slashes to Gotchard using his Valvarusher.

Gotchard got hit by his finisher really hard as it knocked him back, causing him to revert back to his normal human form. Stumbling onto the ground and landed next to Dr Amamiya's body.

"Look, I don't know who you are and I don't know how you have those tools, but I didn't kill him." Valvarad stoically tells Sherwin. "But if you want to know what happened, we'll meet another time. Because you shouldn't have those cards I call tools."

"You won't get away with this..." Sherwin mutters as he goes unconscious and Valvarad turns around and walks away.

Hours Later...

A phone ringtone was played. Sherwin slowly woke up in pain. "Ugh...What happened?" He turns to see Dr Amamiya's body next to him. He slowly moved to his body and started crying and grieving, ", no....I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't able to help you. I failed....I failed as a Kamen Rider...."

Hopper-1 flies out of his card and comforts its friend. "Hopper..."

Steamliner then comes out of its card and drives slowly to Sherwin, showing him Dr Amamiya's phone ringing. Sherwin picked up the phone to see who's calling. It's Ai.

Sherwin hesitated for a moment and picked up the call, "Hello..."

"Hello? Wait...Sherwin, is that you? Where are you? Where's Dr Amamiya?"

"I'm sorry...Ai...."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Something happened...I'm sorry."

"Wait...Sherwin, what do you mean? What happen-"


Sherwin hung up the call and he slowly got up with Hopper-1 and Steamliner supporting his footing. Sherwin then slowly walks and heads out of the forest. His body is covered with scratch marks and a bit of blood. His head was also bleeding a little from the damage he received from Valvarad and the impact when he landed on the ground.

Sherwin limped his way back to the hospital. He walked and walked for about 2 to 3 hours. Until he finally made it back as Hopper-1 and Steamliner hid back in their cards and into Sherwin's bag along with his driver. When he enters the hospital, multiple nurses and doctors see him with horror as he looks battered up.

All of the doctors and nurses tell Sherwin to stop and rest up, even asking him what happened. But Sherwin ignores them, he only has one thing in mind, to go back to Ai.

Sherwin limped and limped even more until he finally made it back to Ai's room. He enters and sees Ai on her bed, being with her newborn babies. Ai then looked up to see Sherwin, her expression turned from being happy and joyful to shocking and horrified.

"Sherwin! What happened?!" Ai horrifyingly asked. Sherwin just pants, trying to steady his breathing. Ai asked him again, "What happened to you? Where's Dr Amamiya?"

Sherwin looked at her and then looked down and shook his head. Implying something bad happened.

Ai demanded an answer, feeling really scared right now. "Sherwin...what happened? Y-You're scaring me. Please tell me what happened."

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