Chapter 5: Rising Fighter!

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"Let's Gotcha!" Gotchard enthusiastically rushes to the two Malgams while Valvarad menacingly walks as the Malgam also rushes to them, another battle is about to start.

Gotchard and Valvarad are now fighting the two Malgams. Valvarad easily overwhelmed the Submarine Malgam. But as he was fighting it, he was watching Gotchard fighting off the Poisonous Mushroom Malgam.

"Oi, get out of here. You'll only be in the way." Valvarad ordered Gotchard. But Gotchard looked at him while holding the Malgam in a Headlock. "What? No way!"

"Yes way. You're reckless." Valvarad pointed out.

But Gotchard wasn't having it, "No way, dude. I'm a Kamen Rider and that means I protect others who cannot protect themselves."

Valvarad slashed the Submarine Malgam as he continued his argument with Gotchard, "Exactly. And that's what makes you reckless. It's what makes us different. You fight to protect, I fight to go after Malgams."

"Then I guess we have an agreement then." Gotchard grinned under his helmet as he let go of the Malgam and kicked it backwards. "Look, if you don't understand the responsibility of the powers I have, you have no right to be a Kamen Rider."

"Who says I'm a rider?" Valvarad corrected him. "Those who don't have any virtues to humankind, they'll be destroyed by me, Valvarad." He said as he slashed away the Malgam.

"Who hurt you, man?" Gotchard asked him.

"Don't get all buddy-buddy with me. And for your question, it'll be for another time." Valvarad pointed out.

The Malgams yells out a battle cry as it runs into the TV Station. Gotchard and Valvarad gasped at their actions. "They're getting away!" Valvarad runs after them.

Gotchard was about to follow him until a hint of realization hit him. They entered the tv station, the place where Ai's at. Gotchard widened his eyes and instantly went after him. "No! Don't they dare hurt Ai!"

Meanwhile with Ai...

Ai is together with her group, B-Komachi. They are getting ready for a live broadcast of their return.

"B-Komachi is coming on!" A staff member announces to get ready to film.

They finally went live. "We're B-Komachi! Thanks for having us!"

"Yeah, glad to have you." The interviewer replied.

Meanwhile at home

Miyako laid on top of the couch, exhausted. "Aw, I don't have any experience in babysitting in the first place. I'm exhausted. Why did it fall on me?" She questions herself then proceeds to fall asleep.

Aqua proceeds to continue sucking on his pacifier until he removes it when Miyako falls asleep. He then got up and walked towards the tv, turning it on. Watching his mom's live broadcast.

"Here's Ai-san who has resumed her idol-activities as of today!"

"Doing alright? Are you eating properly?" the interviewer asked Ai.

"Yes! I'm eating properly!" Ai answered.

Aqua was drinking his milk bottle while watching, 'That's a relief. She's doing a good job' He thought to himself.

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