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"Mashiho what are you thinking about?" Akio asked him as they were sitting at the back in the 7/11, getting some food and drinks for later.

"Oh nothing hyung. Just trying to remember something at work." Mashiho replied before grabbing a different snack than usual, but one that he'd still eat.

"Just tell me, I know something's wrong, you never call me hyung and you always get the pork bun." Akio insisted, but Mashiho had bought the stuff and left already.

'He's so clueless' Akio thought to himself while smiling before trying to catch up with Mashiho.

Mashiho had went to the store after leaving the 7/11 and Akio decided to go home. He walked in and went around looking for different items, some produce, meats, perfumes, snacks, and some extra pajamas. His mental list of items was a little crazy but he knew what exactly he needed.

After he was done looking at the clothes and getting what he wanted, he went over to the perfumes. Smelling the different scents caused his nose to hurt and after a minute, it seemed like everything just smelt the same. He did love the smell of one certain one. It smelt like peaches, and it reminded him of the smell from earlier, although the other one smelt slightly different. The one from the male that he smelt earlier reminded him of tangerines and a light hint of lemons.

He put the peach one in his cart and moved onto the meat, he got a few different varieties of meat and then he went to the produce, getting some carrots, peppers, onions, tomatoes, and much more including fruits.

As he got to the register he seen the same man walking into the store. The man looked at him, bowed his head, and kept walking.

Mashiho seen that he was still wearing a mask and he walked all the way to the other side of the store. As Mashiho was done scanning his items, the man walked all the way back to the front of the store with only one item, it was that tangerine and lemon scented perfume.

Mashiho and the man finished paying and left the store at the same time. Mashiho still never got the man's name, but hopefully his coworkers would tell him at work.

His hair had been covered by a beanie the whole day, and Mashiho could only see some black hair at the bottom. It confused Mashiho even more. He looked so familiar, but from where?

A few hours later, Akio called Mashiho for a favor.

"Mashiho! I'm kinda caught in trouble right now.! Can you get my daughter for me at school?!"

"Akio.." Mashiho sighed before continuing. "What did you do..? I mean yes I can but can I get an explanation.?"

"I promise to tell you later Mashi! Thank you!!"

Mashiho had gotten off of his kitchen counter. He had sat there after he put his food up. He grabbed his keys and drove to the school.

"I came to get Akiara." Mashiho said to the lady at the front desk.

"Down the hallway you'll see the room 4A, she's in there but she may be sleeping." The woman replied and gave Mashiho a slight smile.

Mashiho bowed to her and went to the room. He seen Akiara sleeping so he just picked her up and went on their way.

Mashiho took her to his house and let her roam around while he made her something to eat.

"Akiara! The food is ready!" Mashiho yelled and got no response.

"Akiara.." Mashiho repeated lowly this time. He went looking throughout his house looking in every nook and cranny.

Minutes later Mashiho found Akiara and was fully relieved after knowing she was okay.

After they ate they played for a few hours waiting for Akio. Mashiho could feel his eyes getting heavy and he fell asleep on his couch with Akiara in his arms.

Mashiho's door opened. Akio and someone else came in. Mashiho was in deep sleep so he couldn't save himself if they were intruders.

"Mashiho.." Akio whispered but enough for someone to hear. He got no response so he went over to his living room, seeing Mashiho sleeping with Akiara who was almost fully conscious playing with his hair.

"Daddy!" Akiara yelled and ran up to her father, but also waking up Mashiho from the ruckus.

"Mashiho.." The other man said as he looked over Akio's shoulder.

Mashiho blinked a few times to fix his blurry vision and seen the same man, but this time, without a mask or hat on, yet he was wearing a compression shirt.

"Yedammah..." Mashiho whispered, shocked.

(This is what Yedam looks like in this scene)

(This is what Yedam looks like in this scene)

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