Chapter 32

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Alex's POV

Once we were following Ash to the kitchen since he looked a bit pale out of the blue. Before he could reach the sink,he fainted. We all rushed to him to check if he was okay,but he looked even more paler.

I wonder if it's the side effects of the medication or he might have not drank a lot of water. "Quick,call the ambulance Jeremy" Ace said in a panick tone and I could see worry in his eyes.

Ace was that type of person who would care for his mates or family members and relatives. He would kill anyone who tried to mess around with people he was related to. Kinda hot though.

The ambulance came and the paramedics checked him out to see what could have caused this. "Okay Sir,so we might not know what the issue is so,we might need to get him to the hospital to check his vitals,blood pressure and the vitamins he might be taking" The paramedic lady said and we all just nodded and followed them behind as they were carrying Ash with a stroller and headed off to the hospital again.

We all looked devastated to the point like we looked like we lost a family member. I hope Ash was gonna wake up soon. I hate seeing my mates like this,they were all quiet,looking out the window,some were spaced out.



We were on our way to the hospital. By this moment everyone was quiet and looking out the window. Alex was looking at everything just like me and we looked at each other then the others again.

I was so heartbroken to see them like this. It's like the lights that were there,they were gone,like it was totally dark.

We arrived at the ER centre and we followed behind the paramedics running and handing Ash over to the nurse's. You know once I come here,it brings back memories of Ash being kidnapped by his own used to be "Dad" and mistreating him,not feeding him and giving him enough hygiene. It's just sad

Once the nurses took care of Ash in a room,we were outside the room,not talking again and John was a sobbing mess. Eric and Johnathan were consoling him,telling him that Ash will be fine and healthy.

I felt bad,a part of me felt guilty and feeling like it was my fault that Ash ended up in the hospital. The nurse came out and asked if we were Ash's guardians and I just said we're his mates,then she spoke again.

"So what seems to be the problem is that,Ash has either took medication a lot than he was supposed to. The dosage was very high,to the point that it made is blood a bit thick and his heart to race faster and for him to be thirsty and hyperventilate. We gave him some drips to help reduce the thickness of his blood and I think the doctor that gave him the medication was trying to either kill him or something because no one has ever took that high amount of dosage. And the medication wasn't supposed to be taken for the whole month. So I'd suggest to get another personal doctor from this hospital department".
The nurse said and we were all surprised. What did Ash do for our personal doctor to try and kill him.

"Alright,will do so,thank you Nurse for the heads up. Much appreciated" I thanked her as I gave her a warm smile and asked if we could see Ash and she nodded giving us access.



Once we entered Ash's room,my heart sank seeing all those wires and drips in Ash's arms. It's like he was in a car accident.
I recall everything the nurse had said and thought what kind of person would do that to our little Ash.

I mean his so called "Dad" would do that without feeling any pain. But I feel like our personal doctor who prescribed Ash's medication has something to do with Ash's so called "Dad".

I was deep in my thoughts when all of sudden I heard Ash say something. "A-Alex" He called and we all looked at him in worry and happiness because he woke up finally.

"Hey,little one. How are you feeling?" Alex asked in a sweet calming voice ever. Ash looked disoriented and tired at the same time. "I'm fine...I guess" He answered unsure if he fine or not and I just smiled at him.

Ace was outside talking to our bodyguards about something. "Where is Ace Remy?" "Ace is outside this room on a call" Jeremy answered and Ash just nodded his head in understanding. "What happened to me? And how did I get here?" Ash blurted out in clear confusion.

"Uhmm baby you were pale and tried to go to the kitchen sink,so we followed you just to make sure you were alright,but before you even got the sink,you passed out cold on the floor" Johnathan told him while looking at him with sad eyes.

Ash was shocked and couldn't speak for a little while and he just nodded instead as it seems like he couldn't make up any words.

Ace came back and when he saw Ash,he smiled ear to ear and hugged Ash and kissed him. "Hey,we didn't get any of that" I clearly said with jealousy and Ash giggled and said he could give everyone a hug and a kiss.



Today Ash was getting discharged and we were all happy and excited for Ash to come back home. We were all feeling incomplete without Ash,the house that used to be full of giggles and being woken up was now quiet.

Ash made full recovery. Our legend,we were proud of him. The doctor that gave Ash the medication that made him end up in the hospital was now in our basement and being tortured.

"YAYYY, LET'S GET ICE CREAM" Ash shouted like we were far from each other. "Relax tiger,we are getting ice cream then. I said to him and Ace drive us to the ice cream shop and we all bought our own different flavours.

The lady kept looking at Ace like he was single. Hell no booboo,that man is ours. Ace held Ash by the waist and kissed him and the girl looked as Ash in disgust and jealousy. "By the way, we're all mates,if you're gonna stare at them like they are yours,maybe try to find someone who can allow you to stare at them, understood? Oh and one more thing,if you stare too much, I'll be glad to be the one taking out your eyes out of their sockets"

I told her in clear clarification and she gulped her saliva very hard and nodded very fast and went back to work,while we made our way outside.

"I love you guys"

A longer chapter at least

I'm literally writing on Monday which is Maths😭 and Accounting on Tuesday so I might take a long time to update

Hope you enjoyed this chapter


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