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Music flowed through the headphones on top of the girl's head blocking out any other noise. Downstairs her parents were arguing about something so the instruments and voices were a nice relief from the rage emanating from below the teen's feet. Sighing, the girl slumped down in her bed and stared up at the ceiling of her room as the voice of Green Day permeated her senses. Closing her eyes the girl began to drift to sleep and would have successfully if it weren't for the vibration of her phone. Groaning the girl removed her headphones and answered the caller.

"Hello?" She asked, rubbing her eyes in exhaustion and annoyance.

"Why do you sound so tired? It's only 10 pm," the other voice questioned.

"Tom," replied the teen, "I had work early this morning and it's finally the summer so I have some time off both school and work, so forgive me for being just a little tired after one last shift before my holiday period."

"Chill Lia. It was just a question," Tom placated his irritable friend. "My parents were wondering if you wanted to come on our holiday since your parents need to look after your grandpa. I don't really want to go and I already tried to get out of it, but whatever. If you go it will be bearable."

Aliyah perked up at his mention of a holiday and smiled at her best friend's thoughtfulness, as well as the generosity of his family.

"Let me ask and then I'll text you," she said shuffling off her bed with a renewed sense of energy.

"Okay. We're going to a lake house with my cousin Jake's family and my Nana for a week. We leave in a couple days so make your mind up quick. Text me bye."  The boy ended the call as Aliyah had reached the top of the stairs.

Reaching her parents in the kitchen, Aliyah loudly cleared her throat to grab their attention. Immediately all fighting stopped and smiles graced her parents' faces. Aliyah grinned at them in return.

"What can we do for you baby?" questioned her father, voice void of the passion it had during his argument.

"Tom wanted to know whether I could go on their holiday or not since we can't go anywhere. He said that they're going to a lake house with his cousin," Aliyah replied softly.

"Of course you can darling," came the smooth voice of her mother as she put clean plates away in the cupboards. "I swear that boy and you would look adorable together."

"Mom!" Aliyah shouted horrified at the thought of her and Tom. The two had been best friends since 3rd grade, besides Aliyah had a crush on her best friend's cousin anyways. Both of her parents laughed at their daughters disturbed look and shared a sly smile, the two were aware Aliyah and Tom would never get together, and they were also aware of their daughter's crush on Jake Pearson, but they'd never tell her that and continue to tease her regardless.

"You can go honey," smiled Aliyah's mother.

Lia grinned happily before bringing both her parents into a tight hug and went to leave the room before a thought crossed her mind.

"What were you two fighting about?" She tilted her head curiously.

"About NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys," her dad replied unbothered as he moved to empty the washing machine.

"Why?" Lia furthered her queries.

"Your father seems to think that the Backstreet Boys are better, but NSYNC are obviously better. What do you think sweetie?" Her mother huffed in annoyance.

Lia thought hard for a moment before answering. "Five. Obviously," and ran upstairs to pack, letting her parents resume their music related argument with an added vigour.

 Obviously," and ran upstairs to pack, letting her parents resume their music related argument with an added vigour

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